Motivation to get me going today

Today’s run was fantastic. 4.55 miles. I found a stride that really works for me. I don’t feel like I’m pushing myself too hard and I don’t feel like I’m going too slow. It was jus right and relaxed.

Got to work and worked half a day because I had a couple of interviews lined up. One was an open house for Humana and the other was an interview and assessment for a consulting company. I was really pumped about the interviews. Because they are the 1st interviews that I’ve had so far. I had a phone interview with another company while in the process of preparing for the ones that I was going to. Went to the bank to take out some money for gas a phone card and parking downtown and find out that I am totally broke. I began to freak out then I prayed. Called my little sister and asked her to borrow some money and she told me to come on over. Once I got there I asked her if she’d seen our daddy and she said he was on his way over to her house to take her somewhere. Well I call him before he comes and asked to borrow some money. He gave me enough money to put gas in the car buy a phone card AND pay for parking. Thank you Jesus! I was happy about how God answered that prayer.

So I head down town. Take a break and wait for the appointment time and go off to an area to pray. Holy Ghost assures me that he will give me the words to say and he confirms it in his word. I’m feeling good. i get to Humana for the open house and find out the open house is for a completely different position that pays ALOT less than I’m even expecting so the appointment scheduler and I discover this and she takes my resume and promises to get it to the appropriate person for me and apologizes for the inconvenience.

I go back to the car and I call the second interview to see if I can get there earlier and the agent says sure come on up. I get there, go to the 20th floor and meet with the rep. Interview was excellent….UNTIL IT WAS TIME TO TAKE THE ASSESSMENT. OMGosh I did HORRIBLE on the test. I don;t know why but I’m just not good with taking tests. So the agent rep will get back with me after reviewing my test scores and find a good match for a job for me. I know that I did absolutely horrible on this test so I know I will probably NOT get a callback. I also KNOW i have an A+ certification test scheduled for this friday and the exact same types of questions will be on this test and I begin to lose faith in even passing THAT test and now I’m contemplating even taking it seeing as how the test is 155.00 dollars to take and I already KNOW i will fail it. Then it’d just be a waste of money.


So how does a simply fantastic day go down the tubes for me like this. I have no motivation right now. I got home and I have 9 inquiries in my inbox for different positions but I feel like I’m just playing the game right now with no real hope of answers and I really want to have a job by the time I leave my current position at the end of this month. I don’t want to have a period of NOT working. I have hope for the other jobs and my phone interview was extremely Good so I guess I shouldn’t let this get me down. So i’m going to speak success and Faith in Jesus name. I know God will provide all of my needs and he told me that he was going to bless me more than I could imagine so I’m gonna stand on his Word.


All I Keep hearing is Hebrews 11:6

But without Faith it is impossible to please God, He that cometh unto God must believe that HE is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.





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God is still God in the most EXTREME cases!!! Praying for you 🙂

January 17, 2007

Praying for you, too, MsD. God be with you.

Continue to pray and seek His face. You are doing the right things. Don’t give up. Don’t doubt God. Keep praying and the Lord will show you direction! Sister, I think I know how you feel. Right now I am applying for jobs and I have NOT heard anything yet. I am just trusting God. I also have NO money to put gas in my car…GREAT! Smooches…

January 17, 2007

Well, it seems like you already have the answer :~) Faith without works is dead. So, actively believe, and do what you gotta do to make things happen. I know that showing up at that first place may have seemed like a waste, HOWEVER, I think there’s a lesson in it somewhere. Every interview I’ve had thus far I’ve seen as God refining my interview skills, even though I didn’t get the job. If I hadn’t gone on some interviews, I would’ve gotten discouraged that no one called me back, and I probably would’ve been very nervous at any interviews I got later on down the road. Anyway, hold on to that faith sista. We both know that God is in your corner and he will NEVER foresake you!

Thank you for your continued prayers! This person is my mother…I am praying about so many things when it comes to her. So just keep agreeing with me that there will be a shift in our relationship to bring all glory to God. I have had discussions with her before to no avail, it seems to make our relationship worse. My heart hurts…well feels damaged when it comes to this. I’m tired…God bless!

January 20, 2007

Amen… continue to diligently seek Him… Praying for you and with you! God bless.

Good luck. You are in my prayers. “…those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

January 20, 2007

RYN: Thanks! I’m praying for you, girl!

January 21, 2007

I need to get my lazy butt up and start exercizing myself! I actually want to start running and everything. I hope all is well. Thanks for the note!