And the beat goes on……

I don’t know why I used that as a title but I did lol.

Well ladies, I did it. I signed up for WW! I’m excited about it because I really need some face to face accountability. I know alot of ppl that hate going to the meetings but they actually inspired me more when I did it last time. Good news is that I joined,  bad news is that the same day that I joined my eating went hay wire lol. I’ve gotten it under control today after eating a meal and feeling like i was going to throw up all day, but Friday and Saturday Good Lord I don’t know what was up with me. I’ve so far been pretty good with my committment to no meat. Only Fish and eggs and cheese. No milk as it is really beginning to sit WRONG with my tummy lol and no turkey,  chicken, beef,  or pork. It’s all over rated anyways lol. Believe me I’ve had 3 months to chart the difference and in my book it’s completely over rated lol.

So i got in touch with my aunt and her schedule has now opened up where we can walk/run in the mornings. WOOHOO yall will never understand how overjoyed I am at that. Usually when I run or walk outside in the mornings it’s still dark outside like 5:30-6:30AM, and it’s really nice to have someone out there with you besides mase, a pocket knife, and a cell phone lol. We will take advantage of the discovery challenge again this year. As a benefit to the discovery challenge you get a free 8 week pass to Bally’s fitness. I already have a membership but atleast my aunt can get a membership and come out with me now. To get more info on that for any that are interested check out the site here:

As far as the Job situation I have been one resume submitting sistah lol. I have had many replies to my resumes but I cannot start working until after the 29th of this month so I’m just being patient and allowing God to work in me in that light lol. I began studying for my A+ certification and in the process picked up some information and found the network+ certification material and took some practice tests. I actually have more knowledge and feel more comfortable with networking certs so I may pursue that right now. I dunno it costs more to take the network+ test thant the A+ and the A+ is more basic elementary. Most people in my field have their A+ certs before leaving school. So in a word I should’ve had my A+ a LONNNNNGGGG time ago. So which test I’ll take first is currently up in the air.

I want to ask for prayer for those that know me and love me and can get a prayer through for my husband. Right now we’re going through some things with his 17 year old daughter and her mother,  which is really affecting him. He is really hurt right now and needs the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous to avail much. I can’t go too far into detail about it all but in a word,  the daughters mom doesn’t like me never has and has bad mouthed me and her father for the past 5 years and now the 17 year old is turning on him and not wanting to be around us together. So in a sense her brainwashing worked in his eyes. But the devil is a liar. I refuse to allow the enemy to create a wedge between the relationship he has with his daughrer in the name of Jesus.  I just ask that you all keep him lifted in prayer because this is really affecting him. He prides himself on being a good father and to have your 1st child look at you as if you’ve done nothing after all of your sacrifices and fights with the mom can really take the wind out of a man. I am asking God to help me to console him and support him because when we talked about it I was speechless. I honestly didn’t know how to respond. I began to feel like it was all my fault that his relationship with his daughter is rocky because her mom doesn’t like me and won’t let her come around,  but the Holy Ghost stopped that self sabotage talk as soon as it started and I began to pray. And he doesn’t look at it like that either. I know that things will work out and I declare that their relationship will be extremely close no matter what in the name of Jesus. I ask that you stand in agreement with me on this. Thanks for listening ears and eyes guys.






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Gotcha! Happy walking with the aunt! 🙂

Praying for you and your family. The Lord is all about reconciliation! Smooches…

Good luck with WW. I am still thinking on joining.

Prayed for the situation.

January 8, 2007

I’m praying for your family girl. Good luck with the walking/running and WW!

January 8, 2007


January 10, 2007

Praying for you and yours.