Under the weather Monday

Feeling a little under the weather today. Trying to muster up some energy but for the most part I don;t feel the best of the best. Couldn’t sleep or relax at home so I came to work. I may call off tomorrow if I don’t get better. Who knows.


Any hoo here is a picture of me getting ready to go to church yesterday. Very church lady like LOL!


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Nice pic. Hope you start feeling better.

Cute pic. Hope you feel better.

December 11, 2006

go ahead with ya bad self church lady! LOL you look really good.

December 11, 2006

*randomed in* Hope you’re feeling better soon.

You betta work it!!! I am praying for your health, feel better soon 🙂

December 11, 2006

feel better soon…

RYN: Thanks! Helpful indeed.

awwww i hope u feel better soon. and nice pic girlie, u lookin good hehe

December 11, 2006

Girl, all you need is a fierce hat! I hope you feel better tomorrow. ((HUGS))

December 12, 2006

lol. that was a cute pic. i love the body language.

December 12, 2006

ryn- you right, you right. i do need that covering of prayer…. i started to read warren’s book, but did not finish it. yeah i’m going to try hard to find a church home. thanks for the gentle reminder.

You look hot in that black suit! Go sister Go! Smooches…

RYN: she was approved even though that stuff was on her credit, they KNEW it was there. it was like a mortgage loan, and they had approved her. And then the day BEFORE he was supposed to close, and they said the bank kicked the loan back. so yeah everyone was upset. I would be too, they had already started movin her stuff. But i know everything is’ gonna be fine, they are in the process of goin through another bank and he’ll still be able to close this week, just wish he could today. poor guy, i know this is stressin him out. I feel bad for him, but im keepin the faith.

and also he was the one selin the house, i dont know if that made a diff to as if a real estate agent was sellin it, but all was in place, but for some reason at the last min this comes up. he’s put a lot of money into this, and owes people that worked with him money, so he’s pretty upset that it’s not closin today. poor guy. It’s gonna be fine though.

RYN: Things are going very, very well during this time of consecration. I am grateful…my whole life has changed in a matter of days. I have the peace of God resting within…I can see/hear/understand this season more clearer and I am ready for whatever! Thank you for asking…

Ryn: On Ebay there is a variety styles of these prayer boxes. They are really cute!