return to the living….


Sometimes, when I am on a pity-party streak, it is just too hard to write. I even disgust myself, and despite the fact that I KNOW this is MY diary, and I’m supposed to be writing the truth in hopes of not only helping myself, but someday, maybe, helping someone else who is going through this, I just cannot bring myself to write how miserable I am.  Even when I wrote the last entry, which was sort of a "I did this today, I am doing that tomorrow", I was putting something up here so I felt like I was fulfilling some sort of obligation to people who have been incredibly kind and loving toward me, and I didn’t want ya’ll/them to worry.  But here is the truth.  Ever since my oldest son left and even some while he was here, I have been just miserable.  I have been sad and VERY, VERY, lonely.  Even in the middle of all of the kids and their friends, who are just wonderful, I missed my husband so very, very much, and when I came home it was worse.  I actually did almost literally go to bed and pull the covers up over my head for a couple of days. I just had NO desire to function, talk to anyone (it doesn’t meet that kind of lonelyness need) or really even exist. No, I’m not talking about following my husbands example, it is more just a desire to hide myself away, even from myself…if that makes any sense. 

To make sure I made myself as miserable as possilbe, I began to think about the possibility of someday meeting someone else, and when I thought about it, I simply cannot imagine how I could ever be happy with someone who doesn’t KNOW me the way that he did.  We had good times, and bad, but through it all, at the bottom of it all was this constant. Constant presence, contant knowledge that no matter what either of us did, no matter how mad either of us got, we had tried NOT being together, and that sucked worse than either of us could imagine, so the alternative was to try and figure out how to be happy together and we did. It worked for us. Or so I thought….You think you know what is going on in someones head, and then find out that you are so, so, so wrong.  I KNEW he was depressed, I KNEW he was in pain, and on some level, I was aware that he considered suicide an acceptable means out for someone who had no hope. I just didn’t realize that HE was that person.

I’m not going to dwell on this aspect, but I even thought about what it would be like to make love to someone else or actually more what it would be like to be made love to by someone else, and I simply can’t imagine how anyone else could satisfy me in that way.  He knew what made me tick and HE CARED. It is one area of our life that I can totally and completely say that he wanted MY pleasure far more than he wanted his own and I wanted his pleasure more than I wanted MY own, and consequently, we SO worked. It was an area that had slowed down over the past couple of years, but when it DID happen, it was every bit as good as it had always been.  That loss alone seems almost too much to bear.  Somebody PLEASE tell me that I’m going to come out on the otherside of this, because sometimes, it feels like it is one step forward and 10 steps back!!

I can tell you what brought on part of this. It was becoming more and more aware of how difficult this visit was for my son.  And the sad part is that I so totally understand it, but that changes nothing. In most instances, when I can understand why something is the way it is, I can either effect some sort of change, or I can better accept how it is. Not in this instance. I do understand how hard it is for this young man, who has been gone from this home for 3 years, and has made a home with his wife, as he should, for more than a year, and when he is with her and doing other things with other people who, while know about his loss, are not living it daily, can push it to the back and go on with his life. But coming here, seeing me, seeing his brother and his friends that know him so well, rather than providing comfort for him, simply make him face something that he doesn’t want to face and has managed to keep from facing, except in small bits, which makes it bearable for him.  We each have our own way of coping with this thing that has happened to us, and that is his. It is neither good, nor bad, it simply IS.  But SEEING it (and he tried really hard to hide it, but it was obvious to me and to his brother as well) made both of us feel like we were not "good" enough to meet his need…and the simple fact was that we weren’t. Not here, not now.  I’m intellectulaly sure that at some point, this will change, but it doesn’t help the hear and now. And to make matters worse? Every time I have talked to him since he left here, I can HEAR the palpable relief in his voice.  Am I happy that he sounds better? Of course I am. I’m his mother! But does it make me somehow feel terribly inadequate? (In the words of Sarah Palin…and I can’t believe I would even MAKE this joke…) you betcha! So, I can only hope that as time goes on, it will get better. Because I sure as HELL don’t think it could get much worse. 

So, although all of these thoughts and feelings are obviously still lurking around in my mind and heart, today I was busy and that makes me better. As I’ve said before, while it is unavoidable that I will visit in that place of self pity, I CANNOT live there. So, today I got up , headed up to the UCM, (our campus ministry) and helped feed 50 or so Freshman and their families lunch, passed out drinks and campus maps as parents moved their precious babies into the dorms, and watched Mom’s cry as they walked out of the dorms, and Dad’s keep tense, straight faces, while they died just a little bit inside, as they left their little girls in that wicked place called "college". We tried to make them feel a little bit easier about their being a decent place for their kids to find friends, fun and begin that process of figuring out who they are, without the constant presence of the "parent police". Now is that a realistic thing? For the most, no, it isn’t. But hey, it helps us as parents feel a little better. Hopefully, their kids will survive the stress, pressure and often down right ugliness of "the college experience". (Folks it ain’t what it used to be…) Hopefully, most of these kids will survive and maybe even thrive…but day in and day out I see a new pressure to succeed in ways that were never expected of us at the ripe old age of 18.  We had different pressures, but even with what I know, I still don’t think that the pressures were as difficult then as they are now.

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000″>This whole week will be filled with various functions that I will be helping with, so that should help, and later in the week, I have to head up to OKC, so I can go to a "corporate" store in order to jack my son’s phone upgrade from him, use my coupon for being a "long time customer" and manage to pick up a new 16 gig iphone for 99.00 bucks! I really need a new phone, I’m actually due for an upgrade in december, but my coupon will have expired by then, and my son can’t afford to buy a new phone before then anyway, and he actually quite likes his phone, so I don’t feel like I’m doing too much of a bad thing to him!  And before I know it, I will be getting on a plane and heading to Leisah’s for a few days.  I’m looking forward to that. The one thing that does seem to help, is being with people who really know me and love me anyway…and she is one of only two that fit that bill!!

Have a good "rest of the weekend" and thanks for listening/reading. I appreciate ya’ll, more than you can know…even when I can’t handle some of this life…y’all keep hanging in there with me…



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I know there really is nothing to be said in the face of loss, so I will offer my support and prayers, instead. take care of yourself. (and ryn, just fine thank you)

August 15, 2009

I see you turn around a bit toward the end of this when you see yourself going out in the world and doing things. ~~~ Your son who has his own life and then comes crashing down when he sees the effects on your life – that will get better too. ~~~~~ You describe college so well.

August 15, 2009

I’m really excited that the Princess will be in college in September…but she’s been away from home for two years and I know she’s able to do well on her own. She’s looking forward to making friends in her class. Nice of you to make the parents feel better…I remember leaving the Princess on her own. Scary thing. Sad thing. I had to be strong because Mr. LBH had a really difficult time of it.

August 15, 2009

Your son probably feels terribly guilty that he can’t be in your old home without feeling nonfunctional. Poor guy. I guess all that you can do is to be understanding and supportive from a distance. You left me some very positive notes this week…I didn’t know that you were feeling so low. I was in bed this morning with the blankets over my head simply because I didn’t want to get up andbe me. Does that make sense? So I know how hard you have to fight to get up and keep going.

August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009

My heart breaks for you. I think you certainly deserve a pity party, but yet you are truly an inspiration. I haven’t lost a spouse by suicide but I have lost a child who in a different way chose her time to die. It has been two years this month. The pain has lessened some in severity and frequency, yet there are still times it hurts so bad I physically feel the pain. I truly wish I lived close toyou so I could just be present with you – not to talk unless you wanted to but to be a presence in your loneliness. J

August 16, 2009

…in my experience…there’s always a pity party lurking just waiting to pounce. I had one myself last week and it kept me away for a few days. I decided that I needed to write some private entries and that always helps. Our sons’ situations are so different because of how they lost their dads and I’m still struggling with how to talk with them about their lose. We DO talk about JP all the time but not in that context.

August 16, 2009

I think about you often. I find myself wishing I had words that would “fix” this… But there aren’t any. Only you, can take yourself through your process. A process that’s different for each of us. Personally, I say Wallow when you need to. If you need a day in bed with the covers pulled up over your head, then do it. Who says it’s wrong? Have you considered talking to a “professional”?It might help. I’ve never lived through what you’re having to deal with. But I did come through a divorce, where my spouse just plain didn’t want me anymore. It strikes me that alot of my emotions at the time are similar to yours. I felt like I was just going through the motions, not really part of reality. I was hurt, I was angry, and I wanted to die myself. But somewhere inside me, was the knowledge that I would get thorugh it. I just had to hang on. Were there days I just wanted to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head? Oh yeah. And there were some days I did just that. But as I went along it got easier. I ended up granting myself 10 minutes of “pity” time per day if I needed it. That way, I kept moving forward too. Be kind to yourself. Cont.

August 16, 2009

cont. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. YOU are the most important person here. I know you’re worried about your sons. But only THEY can take themselves through this. The best way for you to help them, is to help YOU first. Hang in there honey. We love you. ~M

This was beautifully written, and sad, and poignant. You express yourself so very well. Ya know, all these years, I thought you were the chef and I was the writer. Well now it turns out you can write too. I wish there was hope that I’d become a better cook! Of course you know you will come out on the other side of this, a happy and healthy woman (I speak of emotional health but of course Iwish you physical health as well). Sadly, you are going through all of the normal and necessary parts of this journey. I don’t know anyone better equipped to deal with these ups and downs but that doesn’t mean they’re easy for you. Time really does work wonders. You will never stop missing him, and of course nobody else can come into your life and be him. Perhaps somebody else will come into your life, down the road when you’re ready, who will fill a new need in you, but it will never be the same. It can still be good, though. I can’t wait to see you.

August 16, 2009

I wish I had some great words of wisdom, big hugs, much love

August 16, 2009


Oh, Roz. I don’t know what to say to you. There is nothing I can say to help ease any of this. I feel inadequate. But one thing I am sure of, this is all a process. You will get through and so will T. You are probably right, he copes by being away and reality hits him when he gets home. Of course this is difficult. Your pain is raw. Just promise me you won’t be too hard on yourself. Takecare, thinking of you.

August 20, 2009

Your honesty in this post is heartrending but oh, so important to the grief process. I wish I could take your pain and loneliness away but I can’t. All I can do is continue to hold you up in prayer and remind you that I’m here when you need me.

August 27, 2009
