Women and Self Esteem Part II?

I find some of the responses I received based on my previous real entry to be pure hilarity. Some folks nodded their head vigorously, some saw themselves, some became irritated professing they don’t have self-esteem issues when…my entry…wasn’t even…aimed…at them…. So, it must’ve struck a nerve in them.

I have been there! I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) talk about it if I haven’t walked in those shoes. Those that have read me for awhile I’m sure remember Kevin, hellloooo! And I PROMISE YOU during my Kevin times there was no way you could tell me it had anything to do with myself esteem. It had everything to do with love. "I just love purely and completely" is what I said. While that is true, that wasn’t the reason I kept going back to someone that clearly wasn’t ready for me. Yeah, I went back because I loved him, but I also went back because 1) I didn’t want to be alone 2) What if I didn’t find someone else 3) What if no one treats me the way that he does, etc. etc. Scccreeeeeeerchhh! Stop the record! Why would I WANT someone to treat me the way he did??? That’s bogus! If he treated me great I wouldn’t be going through all of that heartache and pain! SMH. I remember the day I woke up and "smelled the coffee". It came suddenly. I realized that I deserved more than him. That no, I didn’t want him. What I wanted was a constant, someone that would love me unconditionally. While he was my constant, he was not fulfilling the other needs I had, and you know what? I could find another constant. And so, I did, or rather, he found me :~)

So before you go getting your panties in a bunch, realize that I’m not chastising anyone. I’m simply sad for women that I see doing this over and over and over again. It so IS a self-esteem issue. We’ve all had self-esteem issues when it comes to males *shrug* It happens.

God Speed,

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It’s completely a self-esteem thing. When you don’t value your worth you let other people give you less.