I don’t want to cry *EDIT*









As if that really fucking matters.  I have to cry, no matter if I want to or not.

After spending the morning shopping for a nursing home for Memaw, which, by the way, Mama’s chickening out on….


Let me have one in which there are no unhealthy grandparents.  Let me have one in which our daughters are here.  Let me have one that’s DIFFERENT FROM THIS ONE!!!!!

I love my spouse.  That makes it worthwhile.  I love my mother.  I love my siblings.  I  love my children.  I love my grandchildren.  I  love my grandmothers.  I don’t LIKE NANNY right now.

I want to rip her fucking head off!  Sometimes I think she does this shit on purpose!!!!!!

Talking about the possibility of putting Memaw in a home, and Nanny starts out with that it’s  best.  I shot her down FAST.  I told her to stop right there, because I didn’t want her to hurt my mother.  She said she wouldn’t say another thing.  I said, "That’s her MAMA!"

So Mama and I continue to talk.  When it’s time to leave, I go to kiss Nanny on the cheek, as I almost always do.  She turned away and put her hand up, saying, "I don’t vant des!"  It confused me at  first.  She said, "I know vott you denk of me, so  I  don’t vant des!"


Let me OUT of this life for a while, please!!!!!  PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

Mama made it a little better.

I told her that she would be emotionally wrecked had she gone shopping around this morning, too.  She said to think of the good I’d done this morning.  I told her it wasn’t that simple.  So, being the supportive Mama that she usually is, she said, "You remember telling me that I’d be the same way if I’d gone to those places?  Well, think of what you saved me today!"

Mama knows how to make most things better.

But what would be better ENOUGH?

I don’t know.



I can’t believe my stupidity sometimes!  I forgot to mention something positive, because I was so carried away with bitching about Nanny.

Mama told me at lunch today that Memaw’s doctor had told Mama to take Memaw off of Risperdal, her anti-psychotic.  I had no idea about this until today.  I was under the impression that Memaw was fully medicated and STILL declining so badly.  Not so,  THANK GOD!!!!!

She’s back on Risperdal, since yesterday.  The hallucinations have apparently eased to normal level, and she is again responsive.

The Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!

This makes it a lot easier to cope.

I just got off the phone with Johnny.  He just talked to Nanny, and he’s now calling MH.  He said after he gets Nanny to update her will (she doesn’t want Mama to be her executor, and Mama still is, legally), he’s calling Adult Protective Services.  This sounds nasty, but it’s really not.  I hope my readers believe me.

Johnny said that they discussed Memaw’s being placed in a nursing home.  Then, Nanny said she asked me if I’d mow her lawn…..and, in reality, she never asked or even mentioned her lawn to me.  After that, Nanny said, as if it were breaking news, "Oh, dey putting your grandmuddah in Tvighlight Nursing Home."  Johnny was a bit taken aback, since they’d just finished discussing that about ten minutes before.

He’s worried (and so are his siblings) that she’ll go out for a drive and wind up getting lost or maybe even hurt or killed.

Good news about Memaw.  Gotta focus on that.  Gotta.





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April 25, 2006

Well, i hope she still see’s the ppl about Memaw. I love you forever times PI cubed plus one babe Mikey

April 25, 2006

*big hugs*

April 25, 2006

try to stay positive 🙂

April 25, 2006

hope the meds help.

April 25, 2006

thanks,boys. its the people like you who make me remember that its not all bad. i leave you with these words of wisdom: Liquor before beer, never fear. Beer before liquor, throw up quicker. i do not know what that means but it is very true. and i mean that from the bottom of my ulcered stomach. now you drop those sweatpants!

April 25, 2006

Hugs galore from me. You have had a trying day. I hope that Johnny can deal with Nanny and she continues to trust him. Whether she admits it or not, she is in bad shape. Focus on MeMaw and the nobel thing you did for your mother. You saved her from a heart-wrenching chore. I feel bad for Johnny. Calling Adult Protective Services on a grandparent has to hurt like hell.

April 25, 2006

Hey tell Mikey that everytime I try to read his diary that Mircosoft encounters a problem and I have gotten frustrated and given up for now. Tell him hi for me.

April 25, 2006

It’s no fun to watch loved ones decline. I wish I could say something to help, but I know from experience, that nothing anyone says will truly help. All you can really do is just enjoy the times that you have, with both Memaw and Nanny (she may be bitter, but that may just be from a life of bad times). Lots of love to you and Mikey, John