Brother and cousin update (Rita)

I’m sure anyone who knows me will know how relieved I am to know that Johnny and our cousin Kristie are on their way to Corsicana now.  I don’t know how traffic is on that portion of the highway.  I hope it doesn’t run them out of gas!!!!

Not all is well, but that’s an enormous load off.  I haven’t heard from Nenia, and I don’t know about Karen and family, either.  Those are my two aunts in the Houston area.  I would assume they’ve been evacuated, but I don’t know for sure.

Thank you, Lord, for letting the storm come down to a Category Four instead of Five.  It is my fervant prayer and wish that it will either dissipate or come down to a low-profile storm before it hits land.

My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,

Your Jack


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herman, i talked to my step-dad today, and he said all roads from houston (northbound) were northbound on both sides. there is no way into houston right now.

September 22, 2005

Glad to hear that Johnny and Kristie are on their way to Navarro County. I hope the rest of your family makes it out okay.