12:50am – Awaiting my lover’s call


For the past few hours, My Mikey has been watching (and hopefully enjoying) a rather long movie on SciFi.  The first 1 1/2 hours, I slept.  Then, I put on a movie of my own.  Now that I’ve effectively creeped myself out again, I am awaiting my lover’s call, after his movie has ended, which should be within the next ten or fifteen minutes.

My Mikey said today was a total wash.  It was not.  Anytime I get to spend time with my beautiful husband is time well spent.  We had a lack of time today, but what we did have was precious….even when I got angry.

I love My Mikey so very much.  I pray he knows that.

Soon, I hope to see him in the flesh….arriving home, never to be minus home again.  He is my home, because, after all, home is where the heart is.

My Key, My Mikey, I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,

Your Jack


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