3:47pm – another 3 1/2 hour nap
I called My Mikey at about 2:30pm my time to see if he was getting ready to wake up and call. He wasn’t ready yet, poor thing. My purpose in calling was the MY nap got disturbed by a friend….Carl called and asked me to come WAAAAY across town and get him. I think somehow, the knowledge that everyone is broke all at the same time only really catches on in my brain. I have very little gas left, but thankfully, I’m being rescued yet again tomorrow. My grandmother again.
I’m waiting, attempting to do it patiently, for My Mikey to wake up and call. In two more days, we have been a couple for a year!!!! Then, four days later, he finally gets to come home. I praise God for that.
Snacktime, methinks, so I am gonna make some sandwiches….only four slices of bologna left, and then UCKY ole veggies is all I have to eat! LOL I’m SOOOOO much of a carnivore!
My Mikey….
I love you beyond measure, baby. I miss you so much, and I eagerly await hearing the sweetest voice on Earth again soon!
I love you forever times PI cubed plus one,
Your Jack