Smiles for my Mikey

I hurt my baby’s feelings again today. I have GOT to STOP THIS!!!!

I asked him why he loved me (I was depressed), and he told me, “Because you love me.”

Now, for those of you who haven’t read his diary so much… NEVER occurred to him that I could take offense at those words. I asked him what if someone BETTER than I loves him someday? Well, that completely threw my beautiful hubby for a loop.

He is in love with me, too. I know this, deep inside my heart. Fear keeps turning me ugly, and I am working very hard to stop letting it. We “kissed and made up”.

He thought he had hurt me. No, baby. I HURT ME, NOT YOU!!!! You never really hurt me. We make mistakes, but as you constantly remind me, we’re only human!

So no longer will I feel like a pile of dogshit for the words I have spoken. I love my Mikey with all my heart, soul, and body. He, in turn, loves me the same! It doesn’t matter WHY!!!!!

I love you forever times pi cubed plus one, baby,


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July 6, 2004

I ask that question to ‘A’ everyday… I guess we all need the assurance and consistency we always crave.

July 6, 2004

Hermy that is how it started u loving me was all i needed there is no better then u tho silly man dont u get that never will there be any better then u becuz u love me