I miss my Daddy

Sometimes it hits harder than others.

Now is a hard time.  Kind of.

In a way, it isn’t hard.

It’s terrible, but sometimes I get insanely jealous of anyone who has a living father.


Daddy’s dead, and I can’t change that.  I will see him again someday, though I don’t know when, and I’m really in no hurry to get to him because then I wouldn’t have who is down here on Earth with me.

The realization that he gave me my favorite color hit me pretty hard.

I never knew green was HIS gift to me.  I’ve heard that story bookoo bunches, but it just never dawned on me until the other night.

To top it off, I know I’m going to feel lonely today.  My husband is going to Pride.  Yesterday, I yelled at him.  I was a shameful creature yesterday.  I told him some handsome, charming fagg would come up and sweet-talk him into going to bed with him.  I know better.




Trust, Hermy.  Mikey deserves it.


I love you forever times pi cubed plus one,


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Heh… I know what you mean about the jealousy… long-distance relationships are bad that way; I don’t know what Amanda does when she’s not online, I don’t know if she’s seeing other guys behind my back… I just have to trust her.