
Ancient Assyrians used cannabis for mind-expanding and medicinal purposes 4,500 years ago


The scientists who discovered this natural THC-like body chemical in 1992, most notably Raphael Mechoulam of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, named it “anandamide” after the Sanskrit word for ecstasy, “ananda”.

Mechoulam’s and Schuel’s ongoing research shows that anandamides appear to be involved in regulating and balancing the body’s biochemical systems, influencing or controlling the reproductive, sleep, fight-or-flight and appetite cycles.  


Writer Chris Bennett claims that ancient Hebrew royalty and religious leaders used anointing oil containing a large amount of marijuana extracts. Bennett, who referenced his article heavily with scriptural and historical citations, goes on to claim that Jesus might have been called Christ because he was anointed with this oil, called “kaneh-bosem,” which was reserved for kings. 


(brings new meaning to the story of the Apostle Judas getting mad at Mary for rubbing oil on Christ)


“Anointing was common among the kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of royalty. These kings led their people with the benefits of insights achieved through using the holy anointing oil to become ‘possessed with the spirit of the Lord,'” wrote Bennett.

“The ministry of Jesus marked the return of the Jewish Messiah-kings, and thus the re-emergence of the holy oil. Jesus was called the Christ because he violated the Old Testament taboo on the cannabis oil and distributed it freely for initiation rites and to heal the sick and wounded,” (so said this guy)(something to think on i guess)


Schuel says, research into THC and anandamides is based primarily in Israel, rather than some drug Mecca like Holland or Canada.


Maybe the claims of Rastafarians, who, say that marijuana is a sacrament, that it allows them to be closer to God and that they are one of the lost tribes of Israel, are not too far from the literal truth.



Anandamides are produced by our brains and bodies to achieve a sort of yin-yang biochemical balance, and do not produce the extreme “high” of marijuana.


“They’re completely different, from a chemical point of view, from THC,” he said. “But they combine in the receptor sites the same way.” Anandamides are quickly broken down by the body after they have served their intended purpose, and do not last as long as THC metabolites, which remain in the body for weeks.


To release these natural Anandamides yourself, takes but an hour of exercise, or chocolate or sex and bam you are Naturally High



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February 20, 2004

I have read many articles/stories/etc. on various spiritual leaders/healers/visionaries utilizing what is called “mind-altering chemicals” in their meditations and other rites. Shamaans in many indigenous religions are a prime example. Interesting to see such a practice possibly used in the beinnings of even such a mainstream faith.

What an interesting piece! Maybe marijuana does bring us closer to God, who knows. It must be here for a reason. Congratulations on not only expanding my mind but being a published writer. Peace out