a rant

My current quests are (in no particular order);

1. to figure out ways to manipulate the masses: On this I have noticed that they are mostly emotional and the opposite usually works as well for example McCarthy used fear to placate the masses where Rome used security (this dynamic is being played out by Bush right now with the Terrorist threat levels, oh my god we are at condition maroon).Again Hitler used fear and hate, Christ used Love and Compassion.It seems to be emotional triggers that have the power to create and direct Mobs.  I like to think of the Multitude that followed Christ.  That enlightened demagogue. Besides emotional controls you can control information flow, availability and accuracy to control the masses. This is why I think the deregulation in telecommunications is a scary thing… and why independent news sources need to be protected from the Media Giants like AOL/Time/Warner/NBC, Viacom and the like.  I heard that like 9 CEO’s control over 90% of all that we see and hear, were talking newspapers radio TV movies and even the internet. These CEO’s are mostly republicans here in the states. (I also heard they were all Jews but I don’t trust that source).

2. I want to catalog and relate all facets of love, currently I am working on Sacrificial love it is tricky, because love is a reason for sacrifice, clearly, but how does the act of sacrifice fit with the love construct?

I love this quest because love is so broad a subject, Devine love, self-less love, affection, interest, fondness, lust, companionship, dependency, people addictions, un-conditional positive regard…

There are tons of sub categories and they rage in goodness from Philanthropy to greed.

It is all a matter of degree and intention

An act of love in one situation can be Devine but the same act can very hurtful in another situation.  (yeah, I have to thank Paul for this one, he peeked my curiosity about love and what parts of love are Christ-like and what parts of love are very dangerous.

Genocide can be a form of love… it is a fanatic love of ones own race or group. From love comes hate – of what do you hate because of your loves?

Which takes me back to where I was several years ago that love and hate are the same emotion, or better said are two sides of the
same emotion, PASSION.

So what are you Passionate about???

I hate Alton Tiers but I love Les Shwab (very passionate about this, tier companies who would have thought?)

I am passionate about theology, about god.

These point of passion are tools for control of the Masses… be aware of people who seem to always give you everything you feel you need.

3. I have been studding religious texts from around the world,  also I include the works of Philosophy from the renaissance and Iam very interested in the great deception of Constantine (313 ad) where a pagan emperor of Rome set up a committee to decide which
books made the bible and which were excluded, sure the Christians baptized him after he died (hell they may have even made him a saint, I don’t know) but he was no Christian when he did it. The criteria is interesting, the books that placed the emphases on Faith and Obedience and the literal interpretation of the resurrection of Christ all made it. However, the Gnostics and the like were dubbed Heretics (this is actually the first usage of this word) so after 300 years of people assimilating and intergrading
Christ’s messages into their worship and lives the same institution who killed Christ, set in stone which of his messages are to be
remembered. Doesn’t seem right does it.

Capital punishment Killed Christ, I don’t trust any government with the power or right to kill, that is the mechanism that killed
Christ if it is still in place we might just  kill him again, and in a democracy if our government kills an innocent (or anyone for that mater) the blood is on all our hands.

Did you know that at the Gnostic texts describing the last supper indicate that Christ intended to make Mary Madeline (or however that is spelt) the first Pope.  It is no wonder the early church with to such trouble to make her seem a whore.  In fact in the Gnostic tradition Mary was the wife of Christ.  That would make more sense you see, a 20-something Jewish man with no wife would be scandalous in that culture and would defiantly have been remarked apon however there are no such references of Christ being single but in fact there are references where Christ loves Mary more then his apostles (a point of Contention with Peter even then). I miss
doubting Thomas for whom faith alone was not enough but we should think for our selves and come to know god personally. I miss the Feminine aspect of the Devine.  We were created in gods image and we are both males and females so god must be both male and female.  You know it makes sense, the Holy Ghost… the nurturer the emotional part of the Devine plays the feminine role in the god-head, the Holy Ghost is in fact Mother God.  So the god-head is the Father, the Mother, and the son… but still the feminine incarnation of god on earth is left out … maybe that is the spark that is still echoed by the Catholics who worship the Virgin Mary… I find it interesting that the most influence two women in his life were Mary. Mary the Mother, Mary the Wife. ( could this be the root of the MARRI in Marriage) Could Mary be the incarnation of the feminine Devine on earth? Christ could not have accomplished what he did with out the support of the women who loved him. As with Einstein’s wife and the Wright sister… behind every great man is a great woman.  It is just vanity to think we can go it alone in this world.

But yes I am still single.

I think that the Masculine centric world we have been living in has not only chipped away at Civilization but is masculine-izing women as well.  The wisdom of Sophie the courage of Athena, the raw power of Shiva are being derogated. Which in turn derogates women, and gives rise to Porn and Domestic Violence and even FemiNazies

But I am on a rant.

My point is Christ’s church was to be led by women, women should have a place in religious life, if not women will never have true
equity with men and the Wars and Destruction, Competition and hate that arise from testosterone with eventually kill us all. The
Eastern mystics could not have stressed it more, Life requires balance between opposites forces with out one side the other falls.

4. I have also been on a quest to find an escape that is truly healthy. You know some place to go in my mind where I will be shielded from the torrent of emotions that distract me from my desires.

Desire…  In the beginning there was Desire “let there be”

There was a desire for Energy, (let there be light, heat, big bang; depending on your faith)

And it was GOOD, It is nice that even god takes pleasure in his works. We should learn from god and take pleasure in all we create.
I am still on a rant… I am going to stop now…

With love to all,

Your friend,

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January 28, 2004

Im sorry what?

January 28, 2004

Ok, I see, kinda.

January 28, 2004

Where did you hear about how Christ wanted to make Mary Magdalene the first pope?

Hey there Kit, just wanted you to know I stopped by. -Valerie

I liked the fable of the pomegranate…. its so true. Its like women with designer labels…… hmmm I must admit to being one of those people at times…. I’m glad that you are well. (Well i hope you are well) 😛 Bea

February 2, 2004

I very much enjoyed reading this entry. I also feel that God/Allah/higher power/consciousness/whatever name is both male and female or perhaps even genderless. Strange how many religions have an anthropomorphic deity(s) and assign a quality of maleness to God.

February 20, 2004

ack. unfortunately i type at work as well, but my work is rarely conducive to the kind of thoughtful writing/responding/philosophizing i would like to do. i love reading your thoughts here. also, have you read “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis? your ramblings on love and its ways reminded me of this book.

February 25, 2004

I loved reading this entry! The “god” that I believe in is definitely both male and female. We come from both when we are born so to me it only makes sense that the world was “created” by both. I was reading part of the Bible actually today and something really stuck out to me. In Genesis it says: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Who is the “us” and “our” he

February 25, 2004

talks about? That made me smile. 🙂