Day 4 – Your day, in great detail

My life is so boring that I don’t have any great detail to get into about my day. I wake up, I drink coffee, I say "no" a million and one times to my son. If it’s a work day, I go to work, hate every second of it, come home eat and sleep. If it’s a day off I do the same as mentioned previous, minus the actually being at work part. My life is boring. My days blend into one another. There’s nothing exciting going on and nothing really to look forward to. It’s all very underwhelming.

I started a new job a month or so ago and I hate the shit out of it. I really need to find something that makes me happy. I’d even settle for something that I don’t feel anything for. That would be a nice change from hate. Hating sucks the life out of me and consumes my world. I wasn’t meant for retail. Or, if I was meant for retail it certainly wasn’t to be at a children’s clothing store. And not just any store, it’s got to be the busiest GD kids clothing store I’ve ever seen. I’ve learned that whether its at a home reno store, children’s store, grocery store…it doesn’t matter, people will be assholes anywhere.

I chose to leave Home Depot because….why exactly did I leave?! Poor management (poor is putting it nicely) and sheer boredom. Oh and lack of opportunity. I would have been a part-time cashier until the end of days if I had stayed there. Work is such a large piece of who we are. In some cases we spend more time at work and with our co-workers that we do with our families. It’s important to be happy at work because it filters into your home life. Therefore, by this logic, is why my home life has felt miserable lately. All because I have been miserable at work. In hindsight, I wish I had never left Starbucks, but at the time it seemed like it was the only answer. I have to keep reminding myself that we can’t go back in time. It is what it is, and hopefully buried in there somewhere is a life lesson to learn. I’m just not sure what that is and when I will figure it out.

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” ~Unknown

I’ve been referencing an article a lot lately about the grass NOT being greener on the other side. Reading this article has really helped me find some peace in my mind with some of the things I have been struggling with lately about work, family, life circumstance. Perhaps where I am is just where I am meant to be. Here’s the link to the article…


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September 25, 2012

Thanks for sharing the article. I liked it. Glad it is helping you.