Bogus Gun Control Laws. And my opinion.

What up. 

This is sort of based off of the election that recently happened… as most everyone knows, John Kerry was an advocate of the gun control law, and George Bush was more lenient on this.  I had supported this to no end, because in my opinion and life, packing can mean life or death.  But I have found more evidence that affects a lot more than just me, or juggalos, or bloods, or crews or whatever.  Check this out— 

The Nazi Weapons Law of March 18, 1938, cleared the way for World War II and Nazi genocide against the Jews, Gypsies and 7,000,000 other people.

The 1938 Nazi Weapons Law that disarmed, enslaved & murdered the men above, is alive and well in the United States, and is called, “The Gun Control act of 1968”, and is enforced by the modern day gestapo, known as the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (BATF).”

Rep. Dingell does not appear to have pursued the matter: the firearms registration provision was not included in GCA ’68. The Congress was stampeded on “gun control” by public enthusiasm. Martin Luther King had been murdered on April 4, 1968, and Robert F. Kennedy had been murdered on June 6, 1968.

This can affect a lot of people, and therefore I’m still glad that Bush won the election.  All efforts that can be taken to prevent something like the Holocaust from happening again is an effort with undertaking.  Taking away a person’s rights to protect themselves is not a way to promote independence.  However, keep in mind that I am NOT declaring that John Kerry was striving to create another Holocaust, I am just trying to get this information out in the open so more people understand that our country is running fine lines.  Especially in Iraq.  As far as Iraq is concerned, I am glad we are there.  (And don’t give me that “Well, it’s not affecting you” crap– A homie of mine is in Iraq currently and my ex is deploying next month or so and my brother is entering BASIC in a few months.)  It’s not about weapons of mass destruction anymore, it’s about humanity. 


I hope someone learned something, anyway. 

Pz, killaz, MCL

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May 8, 2007

Guns don’t kill ppl, PEOPLE kill people. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. & laws aren’t going to change the fact that criminals will still have them when preying on the innocent. They’d kill you no matter what. Chris Rock said it best in a dvd I just rewatched. The BULLETS should cost more. lol. Then there’d be less innocents killed. lol. You know if someone is shot, He REALLY had it coming.

May 8, 2007

We all have the right to defend ourselves & all the laws are trying to do is enforce bogus dummy logic into making us susceptible to that type of government control over our rights & freedoms. This won’t ever end, tho. I hope those of us who belive in our right to bear arms go down fighting & not roll over & die. I will fight for my rights. Remember we weren’t supposed to have taxes here either.

May 8, 2007

Which you don’t if you are working in this country illegally….big southwestern groan….sorry. Ah, well. Good to see you have a lot of sense in the beautiful tiny body of yours. 😉