Sizzle Stump the Cinnaman Stick

“Masterbation is like procrastination…it’s only fun till you realize you’re screwing yourself.”

Mikes friend Andy was over again last night and joy of joys he brought alcohol. And of course because we asked him not to he brought vodka. Devil’s Spring. Well at least he had beer too although I had to send the boys back out for tequila. *does a little dance*  The best alcohol on earth…although the stuff one of my foreign exchange students brought over from Venezuela was a thousand times better. *sigh* At least there was more people here than last time. We convinced Mike to call in to work and I invited BJ over. Why? I don’t know. And of course we ended up playing strip poker and of course I was the first one to loose. Urgh. Thats ok. I went into the living room and had my own little groove session. Somehow, later that evening someone got the brilliant idea to play spin the bottle. Problem-no bottles. But hey that was ok because what else is a cordless phone for? The only person I remember kissing is Megan *wink*. We ended up doing seven minutes in heaven. *cough* Megan:So do you know what we’re supposed to be doing? (giggle) Me:Yah kinda…I read about it in a fanfic although that was with two guys…(giggling) Now if that isn’t pathetic. Don’t remember much after that except that I got to sleep in Mikes bed. Go me! Mike wasn’t with me though. So I have felt extremely funky all day today. Man I love tequila hang-overs.

*sigh* I don’t even know what to say about the situation with Mike and Kristen. Well, Mike askes Megan and I a couple days ago what we thought about Kristen moving in with us. My first response (which I didn’t voice aloud) was no way in fucking hell. I told him I wasn’t even going to think about it till I got a job *sigh*. He kinda didn’t seem to hear that or care because since then he seems to be assuming that Kristen will eventually move in. He never really discussed it with us other then asking that one time. I like Kristen alot but she lost some major points when she abandoned Megan and I in Auburn. I mean she’s lived around here her whole life. When the Deleware *shudder* thing fell through I assumed she’d still want to stay with us. I guess I was wrong. I mean Megan and I gave up everything to get out here and she just goes and leaves us. Gee I’m not bitter or anything. Well, other than still being a little mad at her I still like her and want to be friends with her and hang out but to have her move back in after she abandones us…

OK first off, she has a baby to support. Secondly Mike is the only one with a job. And thirdly that would be waaay too many people in our ghetto apartment. She doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with the situation. Well, today Mike sprung something else on us. Mike:Well, the shits hit the fan. Me:Huh? Mike:Kristens mom knows that she’s planning on moving in here (huh? since when. We never gave him a straight answer and she’s already planning?). Me:Oh. Mike:So Kristen wants to get out of there as soon as possible. Megan:How soon? Mike:Oh we’re looking at Monday. Megan & I:What!?

Well isn’t that just peachy. I was firm in my answer. NO!! So now Mike is going to be pressuring us to let Kristen move in and we finally decided that we’d had enough. So we’re moving to North Carolina to live with my mother for a while until we get ourselves set up and thats that. I don’t care what they think about that. It’s not healthy for all of us to be living together like this. I don’t want to poison our friendship because I’m feeling trapped and threatened. Mike and Kristen have a lot of issues they need to work out and I’m not sure how smart it would be for all of us to live together although that was the original plan. *sigh*

I feel extemely guilty about this because even though I’m mad at them for everything I still care about them and I feel like I’m the one doing the abandoning now. I feel a litttle better knowing that Mike has a job and possibly a second one but still…

I hope they will understand that this place is sucking me down into a pit and I need to get out while I still can. I have a wander lust I guess. Never happy in one place for too long. I’m going to call my mother tomarro and discuss the plans with her. She’s coming up at the end of February to see my nephew and I want her to take us back with her. Which means we’ll be gone  from here in a little uner a month. Wow….I guess we’ll see what happens.

I’m so filled with nervous energy right now maybe I’ll go conquer the world or something…

~The Black Mage stirs

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February 1, 2004

this fu*kin’ says it all babe!!!! *sigh* part of me doesnt want things to be like this and part of me is happy. Lots of abandoning going on…which sucks but atleast we know one thing….Never ever leaving each other…i got your back chica, we can do this! xxxxx ps fun party 😉 i think ima miss Andy the most lol

**huggles** I believe what your planning on doing is better than sticking around. Good job @ talking yourself into seeing the good more than the bad. :^) You can do it!! total