Sixteen: I Have the Strength Now


I created a simple layout for my entries. The other one was getting old and repeating. I didn’t make the old one but I did this one. If any of you ever want a layout for your entries, just ask and I’ll make ya one. :-D.

Anyways, day one of my fasting is here. So far, I haven’t had anything but water. I plan on living on this for a few days.

I had therapy yesterday. I hate to say it but she’s so scattered brained and just keeps giving me all these papers to read one-on-one. I had to take an “Eating Disorder Inventory 2” assessment, and she’s now scoring it to see if I have anorexia restrictive or anorexia binge/purge. I am not anxious to get the results back. She is also still pushing me to go to that Bluegrass Nutrition Counseling place in Lexington, KY. I am very nervous to go there and I don’t think I’ll agree to it.

My starting weight is 115. By the end of December, I want that scale to say 99. I don’t think that it is too extreme because I have lost more weight than that in a month. I do plan on keeping it off this time.

The reason I gained so much weight in the first place is because when I moved in with my boy-friend, he monitored what I ate. To save an argument, I began to eat. It’s that simple. *Sighs* BUT now since moving out of his grandmothers house two years ago, I realized it will be easy for me to do this again.

Wish me luck and thanks for the support everyone!


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November 29, 2011

Aww thank you and yes a poetry book. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time I was just holding off because of costs and such.

November 29, 2011

There is something about winter that always makes me want to lose weight, and wrap myself around a blanket of cold. I’ve wondered how anorexia would affect the person I was in a relationship with, were I in a relationship with someone, and how it would affect me. You should get help. I should get help. We should all get help.

November 30, 2011

Take care of yourself, lovely. <3 And I don’t get counselors sometimes. They often seem like they don’t know what they’re doing or they have no structure for the session. RYN: Thank you. I’ve slipped a bit today and the whole process is scaring me, but I’m gonna keep trying.

November 30, 2011

you definately have as much support as you need from me as you need. i hope things go well and you take care of yourself. im always around as usual. one ladder rung at a time katrina.

good luck and love the new layout!! <3

November 30, 2011

You are going to make yourself very ill if all you drink is water for days on end. I think you ought to get help. In the past, when I wouldn`t eat for days, I felt so horrible and it sucked. Now, I eat every day and walk everywhere; it`s a lot better; and, the other day I weighed myself, I was about 45kg {99lbs}. Anyway, good luck with your weight loss =)

December 1, 2011

hugs i know the feeling of eating to please others – it wont work, you need to do it for yourself….

ryn- thanks, as an English major that’s good to hear 🙂 stay healthy, and do you have an option to shop around for therapists? out of my half-dozen experiences, only one has been useful.

Found it lol