Because I haven’t posted. Survey thing

Alright, quick little entry, because I don’t have much to say. So I stole a survey thing. Because I haven’t had much to say in awhile and you all deserve an entry. There ya go.



What did you do in 2013 that you’ve never done before?
Worked Retail
Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Don’t think I kept any of them lol  But this year shall be different.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
This year? I know people that did, but none super close.

Did anyone close to you die?

Darwin. The best Giant Schnauzer you could ever have hoped to meet

What countries did you visit?
USA. Does Columbia…city in the clouds? (Bioshock Infinite for you non-nerds) How about the Kalos region?

What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
A car. Gaming desktop.

Which dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
None particularly. Certain events perhaps, but no specific dates.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Finding a job. Winning my first Fantasy football league. (By 0.12 points) Flushing certain people out of my life for good.

What was your biggest failure?
Building my desktop. Never happened, because well…you all know.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing big. Thought I broke my thumb, but that healed up with no issue.

What was the best thing you bought?
Bioshock Infinite. 60 dollar game I paid 14, and it is my 2nd best game of the year.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Mine. From being patient about my sibling not paying me for babysitting, to giving parents money, to just being The King.

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Siblings, parents, sometimes B. Amber. 

Where did most of your money go?

What did you get really excited about?
Getting into football again. Scuderi coming back to the Pens. Bioshock. Pokemon X/Y

Which sounds will always remind you of 2013?
Everything by Gaslight Anthem.

Compared to this time last year are you:

a) Fatter or thinner?
Neither?  I haven’t changed. I am in a constant state of awesome.

b) Happier or sadder?
Happier. I got my ego back I think.

c) Richer or poorer?
That’s relative, wouldn’t you say?

What do you wish you’d done more of?

What do you wish you’d done less of?
Not working.

How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas….I slept in, played games, then watched everyone else open their shit. (I got pj pants. and thats it)

How will you spend NYE?
I spent NYE at my friends. We watched a couple movies and chilled.

Which OD users did you meet for the first time?

Did you fall in love in 2013?
Maybe back in love with myself. lol I still do love B though, but that’s sort of on going thing.

How many one night stands?
None…which is not enough lol

What was your favourite TV programme?
The Walking Dead. Breaking Bad. Psych. Game of Thrones. Doctor Who (I watched all of the new Dr. this year)

DEXTER…because it’s awesome and a geek reminded me I missed it.

Did you hate anyone that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hmmm I have some hatred.

What was/were the best books you read?
I read comics. Half way through another book. Need to get Doctor Sleep

What was your greatest musical discovery?

What did you want and get?
Pokemon. Bioshock. Fire Emblem. other random games  Work.

What did you want and not get?
Car. Computer. A kennel job.

What was your favourite film this year?
Hmmm I don’t believe that is possible.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Nothing. I worked. Got nothing. Didn’t even get to drink. 22

What one thing made your year more satisfying than 2012?
Ummmm….Playing The Last Of Us?

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Not giving a shit, and lacking of a shirt most of the time.

What kept you sane?
Music. Games. And then that got sorta boring so sanity is in question.

What celebrity did you fancy the most?
Anna Kendrick. She’s adorable.

What political issues stirred you the most?
Politics of the modern era are a joke. Causing more trouble, than actually working to resolve issues.

Who did you miss?
B some. Myself at times. A few exes sometimes. ALL OF MY PUPS!! Ginny, Gator, Momo, Rufus, Elvis, the Bauers, Vinny, Brick and Honey, Luke and Stella, Chloe, Lilah, Talulah…the list goes on and on. Darwin

Who was the best new person you met?
new person? Hmm. There’s a few pretty cool people at work. But, you don’t really get to know them when you are working.

Tell us a valuable lesson you learned this year:
I am still the best there is. Whether I am appreciated for it or not…I am amazing.

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You forgot about dexter freak. He’s amazing; remember that :p

January 17, 2014

Technically I should be making $25/hr but I won’t complain. I’m the exact same way. I love and hate working at the same time, but this one shift a week thing for me does not work. I dropped a resume off at a pharmacy in the mall, spoke with the manager and she’s going to call me next week to schedule an interview. 🙂 Fill me in on the B news! Or make it a Friends Only entry, haha!