Lost dogs flock to us.


So…last night I was sitting in my room, and apparently my father decided to take the boys out into the fenced yard. I hear them barking and I peek outside to see Rocky and Squirt running side by side…happily which doesnt really happen. Rocky’s an older man and Squirt is a bit too upbeat for him. But the boys were barking which…they don’t really do…so I knew something was going on. Go outside to check and this little guy comes running over to me.  He’s a very sweet little dachshund mix. In-tact, brown and blue collar. We  can’t bring him inside due to our dogs, so we have him outside in a crate, taken care of. Trust me…I’m good at what I do, and he is perfectly happy. It’s not like he is being left out in the rain…he is taken care of while we try to find the owner…if nothing comes up soon we will probably turn it over to ACO. If it were a bitch of a dog, and didn’t comes to me…I would have just let it roam and assume that it’s somebody’s dog that they just let roam…but he was too nice to let roam, and end up seeing flattened on the pavement.  That sounds slightly cold for the dogs that dont come to us, but around here…people let their dogs run loose. And it pisses me right the fuck off…especially when they don’t spay or neuter their pets. It really pisses me off how irresponsible people around here are with their pets. They need to restrain them and have them under control…Whether it be via a properly built fenced in yard, or a leash…or just an indoor dog…control your pets…granted accidents do happen and pups get loose, but that’s when you get off your ass and go look for the dog. So far I haven’t seen anybody even looking for the dog. I’ve posted on appropriate sites and have asked around and so far nada. It could have been abandoned, but he is a really sweet dog and seems fairly young so I doubt that. 

I got one person that thinks they may know the owner, and are trying to get ahold of them. Hopefully someone responds soon…because I really hate turning dogs over to ACO and to shelters, because the odds aren’t exactly in it’s favor because people around here just dont care enough to look for their pets. Even though its a lost FAMILY MEMBER. Maybe I am speaking a bit prematurely, but I’ve seen it enough times to know that people around here dont care. This pups circumstances may be different, but …you know…a lot of the time…people just do not care. 

Umm going to a friends later today for UFC. Jose Aldo will probably win the main event but I am definitely cheering for the Korean Zombie. 

Reset my computer…It’s weird having all this digital space lol 

Showed my sister how to download music for her bday…I give it a couple days before she comes back saying HOW DO I DO THIS EXACT THING THAT YOU SHOWED ME FOR MY BIRTHDAY? 

Almost went off on my dad earlier. One of the dogs decided to lay under his desk…a common thing for the boys…and got tangled in the wires…Dad goes off and starts cussing at the dog…I go back and am like wtf are you doing yelling at the dog? He says its tangled in the wires…and I’m like…wtf? Sounds to me like you are yelling at the dog for your inability to organize your wires. He threw a bitch fit…and Im livid…you dont yell at a dog for something that is your god damned fault. Same thing as the dog getting on the bed and knocking over the ash tray that he sets on the bed. The dog is being a dog…it’s your fault for being dumb enough to leave it somewhere that it would get knocked over….It’s happened more than enough times that you should know better dumbass. Can not fault dogs for blatantly human problems. 



King Out

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