The Exception

 So, those of you who have followed me for some time will notice the changing of my username. I feel it’s time to retire KingProtector. Well, not the King part. I am and always will be The King. I’m just done with the Protector bit of it. Now, I will continue to do what I can for people when they ask for it. That part of me will never change. I’m just the guy that would like to help if possible. It’s in my blood.  

I feel The Exception is an appropriate replacement. I’ve been referred to as the exception soooo many god damn times. I am different. I stand apart. I’m not your typical kind of guy. I’m the exception. I like to think it fits. 


In other news, Amber still talking to me about her issues. A lot of stuff about how she thinks she can’t do it, she hates him, and she just goes on and on and on. And her I am giving her support telling her she can do it, letting her know how worthless the dude is. She tells me I’m a good person for doing this. And I quite frankly am just like whatever. I know I’m a good person, but I am pretty sure even most good people wouldn’t do this…at least in my opinion they wouldn’t. Let’s face it…it takes a degree of insanity to willingly listen to this kind of shit from this person in particular…ya know?  Still, I do not understand that situation even remotely. 


So, Squirt hurt his leg the other day. He ran, stopped too quick and managed to bruise his back left leg. Poor guy. 


Umm, so an old friend of mine apparently died in a car accident the other night. Her name was Stephanie. A lot of people don’t really know that me and her used to be really close…like really good friends. Around the start of high school she started to mend with the typical "popular" people. She kinda got stuck up, and drugs, sex, and alcohol. Then she proceeded to act a lot dumber than she really was. Trying to sort of fit the stereotype I guess. She changed a lot from how I knew her, while I pretty much didn’t change. I stayed the same guy. Now I am not speaking ill of the dead, I’m just explaining that me and her parted ways. She used to be really awesome and amazing. Shit there was a time where we almost dated, but that was way back when we were young. She had a huge crush on me, again alot of people don’t know that she crushed on me, and that me and her were really close. And now this isn’t to seem cold hearted or anything like that, but chances are drugs and/or alcohol were probably involved in her untimely death. It’s not that I think less of her or that, it’s just that 98% of early deaths of youthful people around here are from drugs/alcohol combined with dumb decisions. Is it sad? Yes, of course. It sucks that she died. And, of course, everyone around here (small town) is sort of freaking out and all in a tiff. Which, I’m sorry but it is still difficult for me to grasp the concept of being so dramatic over the death of a human being. Death is inevitable. Sometimes it happens tragically and all too soon. Death comes for us all, and quite frankly…when I die…you bitches better fucking celebrate and have a damn god time. Crank some music, play some games, have some drinks, have a good fucking time and don’t be all depressed and dramatic when I die. Have some fun…use it as an excuse to have fun.  Now, Steph…Rest In Peace. You’ll be missed. It sucks we parted ways how we did., and I know there was a lot more potential in you than you really showed. 


Now sad stuff aside I guess….How about some pictures and what not. 

Roxie before her bath



And now since all I really do is watch the kid…how about some pictures of him

He crawled in the dryer…and he fell down.

He put a pitcher on his head


He creeped up on rocky and rocky kissed him lol

Keegan staring at a sleeping Ri-ri

And finally me and him


King out

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