Please vote for us for coolest couple

Thanks to everyone who voted yesterday.  I found a few entries that are way ahead of us.  Please like us and share the link!  OK open Diary!  This is where Karsten and I met and hopefully this site can help us to win a $20,000 wedding.  All you folks need to do it click on the link VOTE HERE!and "like" our story.  The couple with the most likes between today and the 20th of February wins.  I am opening this entry to the public and will be sharing our wonderful less condensed version of our story below.  If you don’t care about our story please vote anyways, it would mean the world to us.  We are currently living in 2 different countries, and this is the only way we will be able to have a wedding outside of a ceremony in a court house with all the debt hubby to be is going to acquire while in Grad school.  He is also in the United States army for all you patriots out there.  Please vote for us!  our chances are 1/183 so your vote really will make a difference!!

Here is our story!
Most of you know that Karsten and I have had a very.. interesting relationship to say the least.  Let me go back to 2007 to when it all started.

At that time I spent a lot of time on a website called opendiary blogging and talking to many friends I had met through the website.  One day (August 12th) I logged on to Open diary and read the first new entry that was posted on the main page.

It was the authors first entry and I posted a comment saying "welcome back to open diary! good luck to you 🙂 [lilyfae] 8/12/2007 7:35:25 PM" I was the first person who commented on his new diary and he wrote me back 20 minutes later.   After that day we wrote back and forth very often.  We became good friends and we would both rush home so we could see if the other was available to chat (which we almost always were).  I remember rushing home after work to tell him something I thought was funny that day to find him sitting on the computer waiting to tell me something he thought was funny that day.  SOMETIMES IT WAS THE SAME THING!  We both have very strange tastes in music and bonded over our love of Daler Mehndi very soon after we met.

Eventually I gave him my phone number and sat in my room with butterflies in my stomach flinching at every sound with my phone in hand ready to answer.  My sister was sitting there with me I was shaking by the time my phone rang.  He had purchased a 1 hour calling card and when that started to run out I got his phone number and called him (I had free long distance).  We talked until 3 am.  We would have talked longer but I had to go to work at 6!

We talked just about every night after that into the wee hours of the morning.  He would wait until I got home from work to talk to me online before he had to head out to work, and I would call him at night as I had free long distance.  We spent a month talking on the phone. It seemed absurd to talk so much with someone in a different country (we live 1,584 miles apart which would take about 27 hours to drive) but I couldn’t help it, I liked him instantly.

My 20th birthday was coming up and Karsten asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I told him that I wanted him with a bow on his head.  We laughed and I thought that was the end of the subject. Shortly after that he began plotting with my best friend Sam.  Sam insisted that I come and hang out with her the day before my birthday.  She said she wanted to be the first person to say happy birthday to me and if I was at home I would be on the phone with Karsten, so she made me come out to Chapters with her.  Later, we hung out at her place with a few other friends (Andrew and Keegan) and the 2 new puppies (Molly and Matix).  I was getting really tired as I had not really been sleeping and sam told me to take a nap until midnight then she would drive me home.  I tried to sleep but the dogs were jumping on me and drooling on me, it was quite gross.  I gave up on sleep and hung out with the others.

  By 11pm I was getting worried about Karsten.  He told me he would be unavailable during the evening as he had some training for work to do, but he should have been home by that time.  I said to Andrew "He is either on his way here to see me or he is dead because he would have called me by now".  Andrew didn’t know what to say as he knew where Karsten was, so he went downstairs and told the others that I knew Karsten was coming.  

A little while later Sams dog Buddy began barking.  It was 11:27pm on November 27th 2007.  I heard foot steps coming up the stairs, Sam was upstairs, Keegan came upstairs, Andrew came upstairs, Sam’s mum came upstairs, and there were still foot steps.  Karsten popped over the doggy gate and I was in complete shock.  I remember freaking out and staring at him (probably with my mouth open).  He hugged me and then I remember asking where the bow on top of his head was. 

The past few years have consisted of a lot of travelling back and forth, too many months where we were apart, and countless fantastic times when we are able to be together.  It is pretty incredible that we met from that chance encounter, fell in love (aww) and are getting married!! AHH!!

Karsten joined the United States Army a few months ago, so we will have all sorts of new challenges with that.  As well, we will have to do a lot of paper work for me to go and live down in America land for at least the next 8 years.  We still have a lot to look forward to on our adventure together.  I know this story is a repeat for some of you, but seriously we have come through so much over the past four years and we are both very excited to see what happens from here on out.  

Thanks for reading!
Cassie & Karsten

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February 14, 2012

we are so awesome. Please vote for us

August 12, 2012
