What is the TRUTH about the MILITARY?

Do you have a real, unbiased story about the military?  I don’t want rumours or second hand stories.  Only things you have experienced.  Tell them to me. 


I want to know if the Marine Corps will really turn me into a brainwashed killing robot who will only come home in a steel box!

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August 4, 2009

im a US army soldier in Iraq. i have many friends in all the branches. You will NOT be brainwashed, just trained, and i cant say whether or not you will come home on a box. the sad reality is that i have seen my own trained soldiers leave me in a box. and the ones that were the shit bags stand tall and just stare. Its part training, part luck , and part belief if your higher power.

You’ve already heard my stories, but I suppose those would only count as second-hand. The military is secretive. It’s very difficult to learn the real truth of the military, even from those who are in it. How are you going to learn from a military person whether or not they’ve become a brainwashed killer? Those who are brainwashed don’t know they are brainwashed. Only those around them can seethe undeniable changes that the training brings on them. I don’t want to influence your decision too much but I have to say that, from what I’ve seen of the military people I know, personal freedom isn’t going to be one of your core principles. You’re trained to respond to orders. That’s your job description. I’m thinking though that if you have doubts this strong, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it yet.

August 5, 2009

Ex-Army here. The Marine Corps are probably the worst about the brainwashing, and even they don’t really brainwash, they just instill in you the brotherhood of the Marine Corps and glory a bit in it’s history. You’ll learn discipline and be very trained, no doubt, but YOU won’t be destroyed or gone by any stretch. The military isn’t about that at all.

A lot of the military ends up in prison.

August 5, 2009

Hey man, I don’t know much about the military, but one of my bookmarks toured Iraq and all of that fun shit. You should ask him a few questions about it. His name is “Killyourself” and then some numbers, but I don’t remember the numbers off the top of my head.

August 5, 2009

Also, in reference to the part you have in bold. I think it’s possible that the military can turn you into a mindless robot, but I think that is completely up to you. I know plenty of people that have been involved with military action that are still capable of thinking for themselves.

A friend of mine was in the Marines. Went overseas for 2 tours and he came back, alive and okay.

August 6, 2009

CANADIAN MILITARY: My best friend, he forgot who he was. He became very serious and reserved. He developed a belief in his superiority over civis – even over members of the CF primary reserve…

August 6, 2009

…Most disturbingly, though, was the change in his person. He developed a seriousness that was very unexpected of him. He was, when we hung out in high school, very different and given to free thought. The day came, when we were catching up, and he told me this: “Adam, I don’t want to think, anymore”

August 6, 2009

Of course, his is one extreme, whereas mine is the other. I was in the aforementioned primary reserve, with plans to switch to regular force once done university. Basic did not phase me like it did for him. In fact, it did the opposite: it made me completely belligerent to the entire system of backwards policy and run-arounds – eventually, I came to call it the “military circle technique”…

August 6, 2009

…As you should no-doubt be able to tell, my “attitude” of cynicism was not appreciated by the higher-ups, and so after my entire BMQ was recoursed, I was quite fed up with the irony of military planning. TL;DR: I got forced out of the CF through policy and paper. My best friend has become the policy and paper. There are two extremes, for you. Now you choose.