Twilight is the gayest thing ever

I just saw some clips from possibly THE FAGGIEST OF ALL VAMPIRE MOVIES.  Jesus-H-CHrist I thought that UNDERWORLD was bad.  What trash.


2.) Plot? lol

3.) EMOTIONS!!!!! <3


He was riding his bike, there was a lightning strike, now he’s really fat and often bloated with gas : FAT VAMPIRE!

Come on now.  Just because you fucking drink blood and live forever, doesn’t make you a fucking martial artist.  Ok, perhaps a vampire would have hunter’s instincts…BUT WHY THE FUCK CAN THEY CLIMB TREES BAREHANDED AT 100MPH!?  The more I look back at vampire stuff, the more I hate it. 

But Blade?  That vampire made sense.  I’d like to see Blade rip this Twilight fag to pieces.  It would be so wondafo.  I mean…he had a good reason to have fighting skill – he killed vampires.   But what skills should Twilight n00b have?

  • The ability to cry more than a mortal man?
  • |
  • Those were from my cat.
  • The ability to play the acoustic guitar (because that would make him unique and ARTISTIC <3)
  • The ability to discern a girl’s feelings with only one guess.
  • The ability to fit all his hair care products up his ass.

I hate trashy movies and pop culture. 

Every single terrorist should be killed.  If you have something to take up with the UNITED STATES, you come and take it up with ME.  Terrorists : this is an open invitation to come to my house where we will either have a debate and I will address all your concerns in the way you feel that they aren’t being addressed by the international community … or I will murder you in cold blood.  You know, I am really a pacifist at heart – ALL diplomatic options and dialogue shoud be COMPLETELY AND THOROUGHLY EXHAUSTED before people resort to violence.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here.  There must not be any diplomatic solution available to these extremists, for as I said in an earlier entry, terrorists are ALL people too.  Like us, they abhor bloodshed and share most, if not all of our core values.  Somewhere, the communication lines must have broken down and we, the Western Hemisphere, must have shoveled aside the rational concerns of these foreign and different-thinking peoples.  Our exploitation of foreign labor and foreign resources in order to grossly inflate our own standard of living at the cost of millions of non western people inspires hatred and resentment against us.  We don’t listen.  Our media insulates us from the problems of the world.  We either don’t want to listen or simply cannot hear the plights of these people who we must be inevitably driving to violence against us.

But still, we need to kill these fuckers who kidnap our citizens and kill them in cold blood.  Yes, one of our large, monolithic companies is exploiting your people.  But it’s not my fault.  It’s not the fault of my next door neighbor nor that of my aunt and uncle or their barber.  If you want to talk to us, stop killing us.  But until then, blood will be answered in blood and we will slaughter every one of you like the vermin you are.

Thanksgiving approaches on wings of turkey…

Things I am thankful for

  1. Family
  2. Girlfriend (lol, the one that ISNT Cassie)
  3. Cat
  4. Friends (except Sarah or Weaver)
  5. My dad’s boss not firing him
  6. Our country’s relative security and the people who toiled to create this for us
  8. My health and the health of all the above mentioned people (still excepting Sarah and Weaver)
  9. Electiricty
  10. Meat
  11. The thriving science fiction genre
  12. Ambient music
  13. Self-righteousness
  14. God giving men inherent superiority over women (and bigger brains too <I cite Science as proof>)
  15. Burning Cas
  16. Sierra Mist Free
  17. Protein supplements
  18. Fiber
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LOL, I LOVE this entry! <3 <3 <3 Burn Twilight BURN! Agh, I can’t believe I come in second to your CAT, lol! Actually, maybe I can…

November 26, 2008

Ha ha ha, I’m glad I was made an exception. I love being exceptional. And men are, undoubtedly, better than women. In every way. Also, the vampire guy can read minds. Except the girl’s. And they’re super fast and strong. Don’t ask me how I know this. Can’t wait to see you saturday! ~WEAVER

November 26, 2008

LMFAO babe, you are so amazing.. you really CANNOT reference a previous entry .. when you privatized it. Then again, I have no opinion, as I am a woman. I will burn you more than you burn me 🙂 You will see! Blade is pretty sweet, I am going to have to watch all those movies ar soe point, not just pieces.. <3Cat!<3

November 26, 2008

I lol’d rpretty hard at our thankfulness of fibre. YES FIBRE! Idiot.

November 26, 2008

wow, im glad fiber made that list. *wipes brow* You sir, are one crazy mofo.

November 26, 2008

Wow that’s some intense rage! I like it! I also approve of fiber. And meat. Both good things to be thankful for. Oh and of course dear Cassie 😛

hey did you leave me a note a few days back about my wife? if so, thanks. BTW, you might want to check a little more into your facts on brain composition. Our brains are larger because we have a higher % composition of grey matter, which rules motor control and physical endurance. Women have a higher % composition white matter, which rules cognitive functioning. It’s not really accurate to call one ‘superior.’ Of course, you could be joking in which case, forget I said anything. 🙂

November 27, 2008

Well my vampire has a metal exoskeleton and can launch rockets out of his eyes so there! Mine’s better than yours!

November 27, 2008


November 27, 2008

Have I mentioned how much I love it when you write weird entries, especially when they have real truths and seriousness mixed in with all the crazy weirdo things. You really are quite lovely :)for an American. an AmericMan. I will stop spamming you now. 🙂 :-*

November 28, 2008

that was so amazing 🙂 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 my weirdo <3<3<3<3<3<3 Smudge kneads in satisfaction with your work 🙂 Thank you for your cute text!!! TALK TO YOU SOOOOON! we are going out at 7, ahha we will see what happens.. cant make reservations on fridays! ugh. oh wellz. :-* xoxooxoxooxxooxoxoxooxoxox have fun with your niggas 😉