Origins of Sadness

So I took a little walk and was thinking a bit about emotions.  What is the point of having emotions?  Some emotions I think are kind of relics of days before we were really sentient.  Jealousy…Fear…they have clear reasons like ensuring the dominance of your genetics or getting away from something life threatening.  As a clear proponent of evolution, I think that all facets of the human being need to provide an evolutionary edge.

Then I thought about sadness.  What point could that possibly have?  I watched a show a while ago about a family of elephants and when a baby elephant died, it was ridiculously clear that the mother elephant was sad.   What’s the freakin’ point of that?   Wouldn’t it be more advantageous for the mother elephant to immediately become sexually aroused by the death of her offspring and go reproduce?  I know that sounds stupid, but that makes sense to me from a continuation of your genetic material perspective.  But no, the elephant seemed to grieve.  Huh.

Humans…how do they handle sadness?  Some wallow in it and let it consume them, some use it to help drive self improvement.  Many people are a mix.  To me, it seems that sadness is just another way of separating the strong from the weak.  There’s the old saying "that which doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger," right?  So, within reason, in a large group of people that suffered a serious of tragedies, those that can cope and flourish will rise to the top while those that can’t will accept their own destruction.

I am wondering what our species would be like if sadness didn’t exist.

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September 14, 2008

*applauds* another goood entry weirdo 🙂

September 14, 2008

This entry reminded me of playing Spore today for the first time. I chased down and killed many an enemy species baby. I felt bad but also great and excited to kill and babies! And eat them!

September 14, 2008

There are three types of people in the world. When they read that Elephants should be aroused at the death of their babies, There are the people who do not understand, There are the people who understand, And there are the people who laugh. 😀

September 15, 2008

ryn: lol a 13 mile run, yea, the 12 mile just makes you feel like shit =P

September 16, 2008

I disagree with your statement that “sadness separates the strong from the weak”. Just because someone may not “get over” their sadness as quickly as another, I don’t think that qualifies them as weak, either. I would personally worry MORE about someone who DOESN’T let themselves experience the full gamut of human emotions than someone who represses natural feelings and emotions.

September 19, 2008

In theory, that would mean that we also have no concept of happiness or joy. Without the existence of one, there cannot be the existence of others in that we would not preceive a difference and so would have no emotion at all. Very thought provoking. Also, I wanted to thank you for your note.