
So I’m a couple of weeks in to my new habits and changing my life for the better.  I’ve been feeling strong and motivated and this morning I think I figured out where the inspiration comes from.

In any case, I’ve lost 4 pounds since the holidays and am 1 pound away from my January goal.  It’s kind of a big deal for me, to be able to hit my short term goals.  As it is for many people, I would assume.  I feel great.  My goal is 5 pounds a month until June 1, when I hope to have hit my goal.  I’ve been eating better and planning more wisely and saving money in the process.

We’re highly motivated to hit out financial goals as well.  We’re working toward being able to afford a brand new townhome that closes in April 2014.  One condition is that we get 100% out of debt (Save for mortgage and car).  So, the goal is to be out of it by October 2013.  We’re tightening our belts and being really conscious of every penny we spend.  I think we can do it.

I love working here.  I can’t even tell you.  These people are so motivated… it’s like a start up atmosphere here and it’s moving.  I think this is where the inspiration comes from for my gym jaunts.  When you’re surrounded by people working hard to lift new companies off the ground, the excitement of being on a team that is doing something new… it’s contagious.  There is no lazy here.  And that’s what I need.

This morning I was feeling sluggish and gross and I was trying to think my way into going to the gym at lunch.  Ten minutes with these people and there it was again.  I’m going and I’ll like it, goddammit.  That’s all there is to it.

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I love these types of entries from you. You’re so positive and optimistic. *hugs*