
I think I’ve just realized that the new Mumford & Sons album will likely get me through the next few weeks or months of junk I don’t want to do. 

God I love this album.

In other news, people who take work too seriously are extremely annoying.  People who gossip to me about everyone else in the office are even more annoying.

Bring your stories home and spill them to people who don’t have the power to tell on you to HR. Right?  I feel dirty knowing you hate so and so and whoever else is "plotting against you".  Dude.  Relax.  It’s just work.

On the plus side, being annoyed at work is helping me work out after the day is done. 

I’ma be svelte and sexy by vacation time, goddammit!

February.  February and a beach and my man and some friends and a book and ocean and drink and my new hot bod.  YAY EVERYTHING!

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October 17, 2012

RANDOM I agree — Negative people are complete downers at work.

October 17, 2012

‘LET’S LIVE WHILE WE ARE YOOOOOUNG!’ That part especially, right? I want vacation now.

October 18, 2012

I WILL WAIT FOR YOU. That part, right? …No?