
I’m so tired lately.  So many events for people.  So bored at work.  Suddenly it’s bedtime and I sleep and then it’s morning and I want to cry because morning means I do it all over.

This week will be different.

Last night I made us lunches so we wouldn’t have to do it in the morning.  I cleaned the kitchen and made dinner and organized the fridge and purged the things that were no longer good.  Then I had a bath.  I read a book on career moves and getting what you want out of your job.  It doesn’t take much to inspire me, really.  I didn’t even read a whole chapter and was ready to take on the world.  Sod it all, I’m a professional!

I took time then to pay attention to me.  I scrubbed, I moisturized, I did a face mask and a hair mask.  I got out of the bath and sat with Keith while he folded our clothes, painting my toenails.  Bless him, how did we get here?  But he agreed it was good to take time to primp and paint.  I felt I needed it and have spent most of my summer on other people, and it’s left me tired.  He fawned over my newly taken care of self.

And then I tried to sleep but couldn’t until he got there.  And that’s ok.  Because I think it’s kind of sweet that my body won’t rest until my hand is resting on his chest. 

He brings me calm.

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this entry made me smile. 🙂