
So we’ve got a little over a week left until the Big Day.  8 days.

I anticipate at this time a week from now I will be very excited.  Wait.  I hope I’m asleep at this time a week from now.  But when I wake up.  EXCITEMENT THEN! AT THAT POINT!

We were discussing all the logistics of set up and what not last night.  Friday of next week is going to be crazy busy and likely some sort of nightmare.  Unless I can somehow correctly schedule everyone to do all the things we need and not forget anything or have anyone err.  Not bloody likely!  Oh well, it’ll all get done even if it is a little frantic.

Keith didn’t think about a lot of things when it came to his sound/light show extravaganza (not an extravaganza) for the wedding reception.  I also had no idea just how many speakers and lights and pieces of equipment he was planning to sully the lovely wooden structure with.  Spectacular.  I had a thousand questions last night as we "popped in" to the music store to confirm the rentals.

I mean.  It’s a barn.  Really.

I have no doubt it will be wonderful to have everyone hear every little nuance in the MC’s voice, but… Whyyyyyyyyyyy.  I will not have trees of speakers ruining my magazine-worthy photos.  I will not.

Ok.  Letting it go now.

In other news, less than a week of work left for me.  HUZZAH!  I’m off at lunch next Thursday and then I mosey my way on out of here, stress for 2 days, then be happy, then excited, then married, then have fun, then stressed again, then go on vacation.


God I wish we’d eloped.

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June 8, 2012

Just found you by random on the front page. Congratulations on your up-coming wedding. Im getting married in december and am already very nervous. There is so much to organise i cant imagine how crazy it is the week before your wedding when you meet with photographer, mc and reception to make sure everything runs smoothlhy. Wishing you a fantastic day and fantastic weather 🙂