

Things are coming together.  Just updated my rentals and came in under budget (WADDUP) and also got my updated catering invoice and came in WAY under budget.  So far today I’ve sliced $1000 off where we thought we’d be yesterday.  YAY FOR US!

Got the first draft for our ceremony programs and they’re RIDICULOUSLY awesome.  I mean, you guys.  It’s all working out wicked!

Yesterday was annoying so I ate a cheeseburger.  But then Keith showed up and I started doing wedding crafts and everything started working out.  I finished cutting out the bunting.  Tonight I paint and string and also make the backdrop for the band.  Tomorrow I pick up my dress and cut & write out the name plates.  Thursday I have a client meeting.  Friday I paint mason jars and finish up with any of the other stuff I didn’t finish earlier in the week.  Saturday I go to my parents to make a chandelier and work out the seating chart, clean the antique windows and write the seating chart onto it.  Then BBQ with my friends.  Well earned, y’all.  Sunday… well I don’t have my list in front of me but I’m sure there’s a ton of stuff to do all of next week too. 

Actually, writing it out like that helped.  I seems rather manageable like that.  A thing or two every evening.  Small goals.  Yes!

We can do this!

And then, on to wedded bliss.

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May 29, 2012

agreed, it feels overwhelming when its all just in your head, but when you write each task out it seems manageable. 🙂

May 29, 2012

waddup! I’m so excited for you! xo