bull. e.

Today’s the day.

I’ve finally decided it’s time to walk into the boss’ office and claim this job.  I intend to be gainfully and permanently employed by 5pm.

It’s picture day at work.  Everyone’s having their corporate head shots done and I’m no exception.  I thought it strange that I was included in these proceedings, given my temporary position, but it all makes sense now.  I’m staying, goddammit.  Take my picture!

It’s actually the perfect time to do this.  The website’s undergoing a site redesign and thus the head shots – the brand is being overhauled, including new business cards  – we’re about 7 weeks out from my wedding, so I will soon have a new name – it’s all coming together.  I want bus cards.  Make them my new name.  Convenient!  Take my picture.  Put me on the website.  Boom.  Success.

I’m wearing a blazer.  It makes me a bit overzealous.  This is why I wore it!  That and picture day.  I’m all corporate-y.

Except for the tattoo I drew on my wrist yesterday.  I’m trying it out.  So far I likes it. Muchly.

GOD! When will the boss come in so I can march in there and take what I want!  Salary, vacation pay, benefits, security.  GIMME THESE THINGS!

I just texted him.  Hope he’s not in some sort of important meeting.  I can’t wait any longer.




He was only in the office for a few minutes and they were all spent behind his office door.  Not one to barge in uninvited I asked his assistant when I might knock and plead my case.  She recommended I wait until next week.  Next week!  My face showed my disappointment, I think, because then she suggested maybe I email him.  So I did.  Told him all about how I am really enjoying the work, I feel I’m doing a good job, that I love working for my boss, and I’d like to stay.

His response: "I am thinking"



I had even told my boss this morning that I was going to do this and he was thrilled.  Even immediately took down the dates I need off for my honeymoon next month.  NEXT MONTH.  Jesus.  Anyway, WTF?  I’m nervous again.  And apparently he’s out of the country until next week, so it’s a waiting game, I suppose.  Farg.

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You have an amazing spirit. I hope today goes awesome for you.

May 1, 2012

YES! you gotta be like a honey badger, just give’r!

May 1, 2012

St. Joseph the worker must be proud of you today! Woo!

May 2, 2012
