
Oh Friday, sweet Friday.  I’ve been waiting all week for your arrival.

Big day over here.  I’ve finally caught up on all the work that had piled up in my inbox when I was being lazy early on the week.  Note to Kaitlin: stop being lazy – you regret it every time.

It’s marriage license day.  Keith gets off work early every Friday and he’ll be heading to City Hall to get our marriage license this afternoon.  I’d go with him, but Momma’s gotta bring home the bacon.  I’m hoping to escape the office by 4pm though.

My baby sister’s play is tonight! I can’t wait to see her singing and dancing on stage this evening.  So proud.  I bet I cry.  Every freakin time, folks.  The play’s a comedy, but I bet as soon as she walks on stage I tear up.  It’s the way I function.

Much more to say, but if I hope to get out of here early then I had better get back to it.

Kiss, hug, and all that.

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Ah marriage license day… *hugs*

April 27, 2012

lazy is not a word I associate with you. So there’s that. AND I hope all goes well for the youngest of your sisters this eve. tell her I say “Merde!” it means good luck in the snooty opera world. yeah, I don’t get it either.