
Played house all weekend.  Practice for two months from now.  It’s literally two months this coming weekend.  Wedding.  Mrr!

Just about ready to book the goddam caterer..  Stupid Saunders.  Stupid inability to plan ahead.  Stupid new kitchen NOT BEING READY IN TIME SO I HAVE TO BOOK A NEW CATERER TWO MONTHS BEFORE THE EVENT!

I’m ok.

Handed over the laptop last night.  Mmmm being done with them fully!  Except the wedding, obv.  But professionally!  Hooray!

Applied for another job this morning.  I think I might talk to my current gig about making me permanent next week.  I’m actually enjoying myself here.  Plus I know they take care of their employees.  Plus I think it’s kind of fun that Keith and I work at the same place.  Not that it matters, but still neat.  Plus it’s in the west end, where I want to move.  Plus plus plus!

The car cost $950 to fix.  Stupid car.  I want to throw it in the garbage right now.  Except it gets me to work.  And fun.  You know, life.

I may need to skip watching Top Chef Canada tonight cause I’m exhausted.  Bed at 9pm sounds most excellent.

I was sure last night that someone tried to unlock my front door and my eyes flew open and I was frozen, listening.  I crept out of bed and snuck to the door and looked out, then unlocked and looked down the hall.  Nothing.  Either my imagination or someone was on the wrong floor and tried to unlock before realizing that wasn’t their apartment.  Either way, I put on the big hotel room door lock as well as the usual deadbolt and got back in bed, all prickly skinned and high on adrenaline.

God I can’t wait for Keith to move in.  Even more, I can’t wait to move to the ‘burbs.

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April 9, 2012

yes! The burbs!