
Valentine’s Day.

Just sort of snuck up, you know?  I only realized what day it was around 10am when I glanced at the phone and saw the date.  Oh!  I thought, I’m not wearing red!

But noone here was.  I guess that’s the grown up male-construction-worker-dominated office for you.  Meh, who cares?

I made dinner last night for Keith.  A wildly romantic spaghetti with meat sauce.  WOO.  It was super delicious, for the record, but fancy it was not.  I just figured – it’s Tuesday night.  We have fun fancy meals all the time.  This day is really not that exciting to me.

I’m all for a day dedicated to telling the people you love that you care.  I know the haters say it should be every day, and of course they’re right, but important things should have their own days dedicated to them, so people give them the attention they warrant, if only one day a year.

I was wearing sweats when Keith got there last night.  And, to top it off, I had just spilled half a bag of linguini noodles all over the counter.  I was picking them up off the floor when he walked in.  "I KNEW IT!" I said, and I pointed at him.

"What??", he had a funny smile like I was cute and he knew I was going to say something weird.

"I KNEW you’d walk in as soon as I dropped these noodles all over the place.  It had to be right now.  I knew it."

"Well, I didn’t know you would be throwing food on the floor or I’d have waited."

"No, it’s because I sensed you coming.  I drop things and mess up in the kitchen when you’re around.  YOU DID THIS!  CLEAN YOUR MESS!"

But I picked all the noodles up and he came over and hugged me and kissed me and we smiled stupidly at each other for a while.  God, this is sickening.  Sorry.

So we ate some spaghetti and had a little wine and watched the hockey game.  My dad popped by in the middle of the game to bring me a flower.  What a guy. 

Later Keith and I went to bed and discussed lovely love things and I woke up this morning so sad to leave.  He’s a giant hairy bear of a man and when he sleeps it makes me happy to see him under my covers. 

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February 15, 2012

This entry made me smile. And then throw up. Love you.

Hooray for spaghetti and hockey! *hugs*

February 15, 2012

haha, very cute.

February 15, 2012

I’m giggling. Gah!

February 16, 2012

awww, hairy men. and you should be sorry. That smiling thing, pretty gosh darn gushy. ew.