
Good news.

I started temping at my cousin’s company office yesterday.  Hello, a paycheque, I will see you soon.  I don’t know what I’m doing and really, neither do they, but it’s all good because I’m here and I have a little office with a desk and a window and a DOOR.  A DOOR, people.  It’s the most exciting thing to ever happen in the history of ever.  I could nap in here and noone would know because the door would be closed!  I won’t, but I COULD and that’s what counts, isn’t it?

No, it isn’t.

So I’ve spent 12 hours sifting through paperwork left by the girl who had this office before me.  She apparently had little no no organizational skills and so I’ve shredded a million pages and recycled a tonne too.  Just throwing stuff in a drawer does not organize it, y’all.  Trying to get these files and binders and shelves and drawers to ressemble something that someone just coming in, searching for something, could easily find what they are looking for.  It’s dreadfully boring, but it’s mine and I’m getting paid for it, so hooray for me.

Early mornings are something I’m getting used to again.  I found it difficult to fall asleep on Sunday night, so yesterday when the alarm went off I think I screamed a little because it was right beside my head and SO LOUD and I was dead asleep.  I fell asleep shortly after 9pm yesterday, though, so over 8 hours of sleep later I was ready to get up when that bell chimed.  Still not my favourite thing, but one day I’ll retire and go back to getting up at 9am like humans should.  I felt a twinge when, after being here over an hour, I glanced at the clock and it was 9am.  I bet my bed misses me, I thought.

This office is great though.  And I filled in paperwork today that made me a certified employee.  Which was surprising to me, cause I thought I was just putting in hours and getting paid out like a contractor, but I’m all for the employment record.  God I can’t wait for a paycheque.  My VISA is screaming.

I made my first dress fitting appointment.  April 4th, people.  That’s the deadline to hotness.  So far, so good.  The running is working and I’m counting my calories.  The internet says I can lose 10 pounds in the 7 weeks I have if I keep this up.  Just have to keep up with the working out.  I hate working out at night, after work, but them’s the breaks and that dress NEEDS to fit better.  It does up again, so that’s something, but it’s tight around my spare tire, and so I’ll simply lose a few pounds and that should take care of it.  Woo!  Bride!

Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet readers.  I love you all. 

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February 14, 2012


February 14, 2012

awesome, so glad to hear about the job and the dress fitting. happy V-day!

February 14, 2012

love you too!

February 14, 2012

Job! Dress! Marriaaaaage! I feel like ‘spare tire’ is an understatement of what lives around me. It’s more like two. You know, a back up spare, in case anyone else is in need. So when you lose yours I will have one you can borrow.