
We’ve made up a code at work to use when shit is shit-like.  We just call things "splendid".  Marie just walked past me and asked, "On a scale of splendid to ten, how are you feeling today?"  I don’t know how these people function like this.  My aunt has aged ten years in the last two from stress.  I mean really.  Is it worth it??

I’m trying to get to a place where we have a running system and people follow the system and everyone feels comfortable and thus fulfilled in their position since they are so sure of what they are doing that they can complete it and do it well.  It’s a challenge.  

I’m annoying people a lot today I feel.  I keep asking questions, following up following up following up, until I feel comfortable that they are actually going to do what they said they would.  I’m actually looking forward to this one.  I think it’s going to go well and run much smoother than last weekend’s festivities.

Last weekend was fine, by the way.  The bride was dramatically thrilled with me and the whole day, and besides my finding half the tables ruined the morning of by squirrels (seriously.  This happened.)  We had to chase a big black squirrel out of there and re-set the tables and get a friend of the bride to bring some extra supplies because the stupid thing ATE six or seven nameplates.  Sigh.  Anyway.  That was that.  I felt nothing when I looked at the bride, so that’s good.  I feel like she was right – this was closure for us.  She gave me a lovely thank you card and included me in her speech – thanking me wildly in front of all her guests.  God she’s so dramatic.  But we had a hug when I left for the night and I felt good about how I handled this.

I did my darndest and when I left thirteen hours after starting work, I felt fulfilled and happy and proud.  I ran on adrenaline all the way home and when I pulled into my parking spot I felt so tired I contemplated napping right there.  But I dragged myself upstairs and got to my room.  Keith had left me a little message and I started to cry.  Exhaustion and the whole stupid situation of this wedding and the whole day not going exactly to plan hit me and I allowed myself a few moments.

But when my head hit the pillow I was unconscious and remained that way for 9 hours.  Bless me, I woke up and moped around and did not much of anything until I went to the concert later that night.  Katy Perry – what up.  It was a hell of a show, actually.  She’s a real theatrical showman.  And I was very impressed with her voice, which I wasn’t expecting to be.

I started taking a women’s boot camp class two days ago.  My second class is tonight.  Honestly, that first class was SO HARD.  I took a long cold shower after and my face was still red, splotchy and hot for a good hour after I got out of the shower.  I thought I might vomit it was so difficult.  And I’ve never been so sore in my life.  It honestly hurts between my ribs when I breathe in.  I’m not sure how she managed to do it in an hour, but that boot camp lady made every single muscle in my body hurt.  

All in all, I have a very busy two days ahead of me, and I’m feeling like I can do this.  Yes!  Yes we can!  Hooray!  Go team!  Yah team Kaitlin!  You can do it!  Boot camp tonight!  Wedding prep tomorrow!  Wedding Saturday!  NOTHING AT ALL Sunday or Monday!!!  Goooooo team!

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Sounds like you’ve been staying busy. Glad the wedding went mostly as planned. Stupid squirrels… what are they good for anyway? *hugs*

July 8, 2011

TEAM KAITLIN!!!! also, squirrels, nothing but rats with big tails. They’re all bastards.

July 8, 2011

sounds like a fabulous concert and a great work day. yay. lol at the boot camp, holy crap i havent’ been to the gym in ages! scary i need to go back. haha

September 2, 2011

Where you been?