
It’s my last Tuesday at this desk.

I’m feeling rather lazy today.  Rainy grey days always do that to me.  That and I’m having a dificult time caring about anything here as it’ll be over in a week.  BUT I will get it done.  It’ll be awesome and everyone will continue to tell me they’re going to miss me terribly and I’ve done an awesome job here.

Keith’s roommate may be selling his condo in a month or two.  Meaning Keith has to move.  He’s likely going to move back home with his parents for the year before we get married so he can save some cashola and we’ll be in a better place financially when we get married (holy crap).  He told me this and I was fist pumping in the air, but my voice sounded calm and collected on the phone with him.  "Yes, that sounds like the best option.  That’s a wise choice.  Very good."  I don’t want to get too excited that he’s gonna be living with mommy, but we need to pay down the debt that follows us.  The goal is to be debt free by the time of the wedding.  We can do it!  And if not… well, hopefully we get some cash as gifts and can be debt free shortly after the wedding instead.

I got an iPhone last night.  Now I’m the hippest of the hip, right?  Hah.  It’s pretty though, and I immediately got Angry Birds.  So anyway, yes, I like it.

Oh, and that Federal Election happened yesterday.  Big changes, folks, big changes.  Exciting times ahead.  We’ll see what they all do with this new confidence the country has placed in them.  And well done, Liberals… call the fourth election in seven years and get a serious kick to the nads.  That’ll learn ya, I guess.  I’m just glad we won’t be voting on this particular thing for another 4 years.  Provincial one coming up, though.  Wahoo.  I’m tired of politics.

Wow.  It’s almost lunch.  I’m fairly sure I’ve accomplished nothing yet today.  Best get to it!

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May 3, 2011

That’s a good idea for him to move home for a bit! 🙂 I hope you guys can get everything in order, but I’m sure you can! 🙂

May 3, 2011

hahaha, everyone is addicted to angry birds! i love listening to that game even if i’m not playing it. it just cracks me up.

May 3, 2011

clearly, now that you own an iphone, you are hipper than those who do not. I lament my lack of hippness daily, as I am not yet one of the lucky to have in my posession an iphone. also, I just felt bad for Iggy last night as he was making his defeat speech or whatever, it was rather pathetic.

May 3, 2011

ryn: June 30, 2012. when is your’s?