
Finally.  Friday.

This week has been exhausting.  Surprisingly, I’m still in a fine mood.  I just go "Aaaaauuuuuugh!" a lot. 

My stress is manifesting itself physically, which is annoying, but I guess it’s nice that my mood seems fairly unaffected.  When I get stressed my jaw clenches and gets sore, my back starts to ache, and I get a headache.  5 days running, friends!  9 days until I’m on the beach.  9 days. 9 days. 9 days. 

It’s the business partner thing that’s getting to me.  She sent me another email and I haven’t yet responded.  I’m not sure how to word things as diplomatically as possible so they can’t come back and bite me.

I wanted to know if there are other reasons that you stopped wanting to do business with me. I understand that you got the new job, which is fantastic btw, but I need to know if there is more to it. Not wanting to do business with a friend, is very personal, and I dont feel comfortable working with you further even as coordinator if you dont trust me.
Lastly, If it’s okay with you, could I have your mothers phone number? I would like to apologize to her about the whole 50.00 dollar thing and explain to her personally the confusion that has happened.
Anywho, I am really embarrassed and just trying to make things right.

How do I go about explaining that from what I’ve observed she isn’t mature enough nor responsible enough for me to have confidence in her… and I don’t trust her and don’t believe in her success?  I mean really.  That’s going to crush her little spirit.

And it’s been giving me a headache for 5 days running.




Here’s what I’ve got for a reply.  Thoughts?  I may or may not be fibbing a little to save some feelings, but I feel like it’s got a good vibe to it and makes me less of a raging bitch in her eyes.

I want to reassure you that I don’t think that you’re a thief and that you were trying to steal $50 from my sister.  I also don’t think you’re stupid and would try to do that.  Please don’t worry about that.
As for the business, I don’t feel comfortable with the idea.  I have a feeling like it’s not what I’m supposed to be doing with my life, and that feeling has never steered me wrong before.  I’ve ignored it before and I’ve always regretted it.  Call it intuition or whatever, but it’s a strong feeling that I’ve been getting that this isn’t right for me and I should back out now before I get too far deep into it.  I’m very sorry that it has to shift your plans, but I have to do this for me.
I hope that there are no hard feelings and I genuinely wish you every success in business and in life.  I’m rooting for you and for the business you’re creating.
If you would like to speak with my mother, her phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.  I’ve told her you’ll be calling, so she won’t be suprised to hear from you.
If it’s ok with you, I’d like to ship you the things of yours that I still have.  I anticipate you’ll have a lot on your plate at the April 7th event, and I’d like to get it out of the way.  I’ll ship it Purolator and front the cost, no worries.  Can I get your address at home so I can do that please?  Also, if you have someone else who would like the picture from your bedroom, I’d be glad to bring it to their place for you.  I’ve been thinking about seeing it every day and I think it’s going to make me feel guilty to have it looking at me, reminding me of how bad I feel about backing out of WJ.  Alternatively, I can put it in your storage locker before shipping you your key.  Let me know what you would like to do.
Thanks and all the best,

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March 11, 2011

Let her down easy .. no need to tell her the whole truth – that will just hurt her feelings.

March 11, 2011

I think that’s polite enough and probably the best way that you can put it. Listen to your heart and it’ll never steer you wrong! I mean, let’s be honest, she’s still going to be pissed, but oh well – you do need to do what’s right for you!

March 11, 2011

Hi! I would try something different for the opening, something about the word “theif” being in there that is a lil jarring. Also, you don’t need to tell her the whole truth. And you don’t need to tell her why the picture would make you feel guilty. This email is good and sounds very balanced. I’ve had to send similar emails, not easy, but a fact of life.

March 11, 2011

Hey babe Luv u

March 11, 2011
