
So.  What now?

I’ve spent the last week seething with loathing for my boss.  I’m not even PMSing.  I just genuinely hate the broad.  It’s so hard to get out of bed when I know I’ll see her if I go to work.  She hasn’t even been more of a bitch or anything.  I think it’s just that I know I won’t have to deal with her in a few months and I want that time to be NOW.  You know?  It’s like when you’re useless a few days before vacation because in your head you’re already there.

Today I set a date to talk with the aunt about my summer planning weddings for her.  Mmmmm organizing my life.  This weekend, however, is my course to become a licensed wedding coordinator.  Squee!  22 hours compressed into two days of organizing and history and wedding info!  I’m so super stoked I can’t even express myself.  AND discussing my job this summer is exciting.  AND hopefully I’m persuasive enough to make it full time.  AND get the monies I want.  THAT would be perfect.  Melt.

I haven’t lost any weight.  It seems you DO in fact have to get off your ass to lose some poundage.  WELL… this summer maybe I’ll make a habit out of running around the Farm.  They have a shower and all that, too.  Yes.  This summer I will be svelte.  Ew, I don’t like that word.  Let’s say willowy.  Hahaha, not really.  I’m too short to be willowy.  Um.  Slim.  Tight.  In shape.  You get it.

What else?  Oh yes.  Tonight we’re heading to the parents to talk about monies.  Yaaaaaay?  I hate money talks.  I also hate that Keith isn’t asking his mom for money and she hasn’t offered any yet.  He got all awkward face I don’t wanna last night when I brought it up.  He says, "It’s forever away!  I’m not asking her for at least 12 months."  And I’m like WHAT?!  We have to pay the first deposit THIS WEEK.  In 12 months everything will be paid for!  "Good!"  Then he got the smile on his face like hahaha I said good without thinking, but I feel like I’ve won.  And I was like Awwwww you’re so freakin cute.  Goddammit!!!!

So I’m going to have to be even more creative than I originally intended.  Luckily by working at the venue this summer, I have the opportunity to convince them to purchase items I would otherwise have to rent.  Questionnable business practice?  Bite me.  Renting chairs is expensive and I have to do it.  Barf.

I just realized I likely won’t be allowed to wear a watch to my wedding.  But… keeping track of time…  God I’m uptight.  Listen to me.  Hahaha!

It seems my dress has dyed my armpits purple.  That’s funny.

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February 15, 2011


February 15, 2011

You are a bit nonsensical! 🙂 haha. Just kidding. That weekend course sounds really exciting, especially since it’s the first step in your future! 🙂 Good luck with the monies talk, that’s never fun but necessary, as you said. Uhmm… I’m too short to be willowy or svelte too. Boo! To only have a few more inches (and no more pounds)… haha

February 15, 2011

I think it’s awesome that you’re going to be a wedding planner! 🙂 That’s my dream job. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

February 15, 2011

Make Caroline wear a watch. She’s your bitch now.

February 15, 2011

RYN: Well I appreciate you reading me, I must say. Plus, any laugh I get is worth it.

February 15, 2011

Good! Hahaha OH that Keith. Yo…I’ll FB message his mom and tell her to give you guys money. Don’t even sweat it. YOUR LIFE IS EXCITING!

It’s your wedding… you can wear a watch if you want to… 🙂

February 16, 2011

ryn: I am a machine, that’s how. LOL. I do 35 minutes on the arc trainer at an incline of 8 and resistance of 23 and I go as fast as I can. It’s like an elliptical, but harder. Then I lift… I keep my heart rate up as high as I can. I don’t rest a lot in between because then I am still getting a small cardio along with the lifting. Sometimes I do 45-60 minutes of cardio and then lift. I burn about 600 cals in the 35 minutes of cardio. I am in great shape for a chubby chick lol. I have lost 90 pounds though and I have been working out on a regular basis for over a year now. It’s really not all that hard to do… you just have to build up that cardio strength I guess