
I have red hair.  There are times when I have a particularly short fuse.  There are times when I get uppity about things when, perhaps, they are not as important as they seem to be. 

There are other times, however, when I’m 100% justified in my redheaded rages.

Yesterday, I feel, I was entitled to my attitude.

So I got to work, all blushes and nonsense; I knew I would be getting attention today because of the thingy on my left hand.  So I put down my things and jumped in.  Walked into my boss’ office and asked her how her weekend was.  "Oh, you know, etc etc some nonsense I don’t care about" and "How was yours?"  Good.  This is what I did.  And I thrust my left hand out in front of myself. 

So all the Awwww  Ooooooh  Eeeeeee girl stuff happened, and I thought, good, I cut that off before it became a mess.  Because lord knows if I hadn’t jumped all in her face with the ring she would have been terribly upset with me.

My day went on.  God, this story is boring.  It’s 3pm.  Give me a break.

I had approximately a million things to do yesterday, all of which took an inordinate amount of time to accomplish.  So I got to it, glad to have something to keep my mind off the plans and linens and songs and candles that were already keeping me up at night.  I told people I talked to on a regular basis about the engagement, but I didn’t fly around, squealing about how somebody loves me.  After lunch another coworker stopped by my desk with congratulations.  She’s sweet, Anne-Lynn.  The kind of sweet you want to match with other sweet just so you can be sure all the sweetness in the world is together because they deserve it.

Anyway, we chatted for a bit, then she left, but she popped her head into my boss’ office on the way to say hello.  "DID YOU ASK KAITLIN WHAT’S NEW TODAY?!" I heard screech out of the door.  "Oh, yes, I knew, I saw it on Facebook this weekend."  "OH MAN, HOW TACKY!"

And my jaw hit the floor.  Did she just call me tacky?  Or, well, I guess something that I did tacky, but it felt personal. 


I was fuming.  I was tacky for announcing on Facebook that I had just gotten engaged?  I think not.  I had called everyone in my contact list.  I put it on Facebook for those who I don’t regularly talk to.  I never hang out with Anne-Lynn outside the office, therefore it is appropriate for her to see this news as I made it publicly available to the masses.  Not tacky.  Just a modern day way to announce your news.  You used to put it in the newspaper.  That wasn’t tacky.  So why this?

I could feel how red my face was.  How DARE she judge me.  Who did she think she…

And I started to giggle.  I knew who she was.  Oh my GOD.  She was SO TACKY!  How unbelieveably tacky of someone to run around to the offices of people I know professionally and in no personal way and flaunt my engagement!  What the hell!

Then again, I guess this is coming from someone who believes you don’t leave your desk without a fresh application of shiny pink lipstick, a woman who purchased bright purple skate shoes to wear on a daily basis when she was 46, and who, as I recalled a few entries back, showed up to work with a fake mullet proclaiming she was going to surprise her husband with her long hair to fulfill his sexual fantasies. 

And I’m tacky?  Please, lady.  Tell it to your plunging neckline.

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February 1, 2011

I’m still laughing about the mullet.

February 1, 2011


February 1, 2011

“And I’m tacky? Please, lady. Tell it to your plunging neckline” OH SNAP. You got sass, girl. Want me to mess her up? P.S This entry is kind of tacky… you know.

February 1, 2011

God, what a b*tch. You were right to be angry about that, but you’re totally right in realizing she’s the tacky one and being able to giggle about it and not let her get to you. 🙂 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

February 2, 2011

I had to comment on this!!!After 9 years with my boyf and 2 year old twins, a joke was made about getting married in secret. He never wanted to before and I thought after all this time we needed an edge. The idea was comceived the end of June and by Aug 18th we were married. We didn’t even tell our family. Ten minutes after we wrote on our status..’Just married’. I thought this was a corker!!!

February 2, 2011

If this had been me I would have gone straight to facebook and posted on my status ‘Oh Man, How tacky!’. Is she married? That would be interesting to know. Are you tacky….no darling, she is just a nasty bitch! xx

February 2, 2011

Hahaha throughout this whole entry I kept thinking “Eww Mullet” I’m glad you brought it up again.

February 2, 2011

You go girl!!!

February 4, 2011

whoa whoa whoa, last person in the world I would call tacky. what a b*tch, mmm, I could have used a stronger word starting with a c but that`s because I’ve been watching too may Brit comedies. Love you! cant wait to see you tomorrow! xoxox

I’m glad after you were rightfully upset you managed to see the humor in the situation lol. You are so sassy, I love it.