
Keith is going to die with boring at that play.  It was so fun, and Hannah was so so so good in her role, but Willy Wonka sang all her songs in a key that was not the same as the one the song was played in, and everyone else was off at some point as well.  You know what?  It’s a high school musical.  What can you expect? 

But my little lady was dead on.  She even hit the high notes I was anticipating she wouldn’t.  And she hit them hard and loud.  I melted with pride.

Then after the play a boy handed her flowers and she was completely surprised.  She had this look of mixed delight and horror.  He was not a person she hoped to get flowers from, but who can’t smile when they get flowers?

Christmas lunch today with the department.  I have to secretly sneak to the store this morning and figure out a Secret Santa gift.  Sigh.  Nothing like being all stealth about a pair of mugs with hot chocolate.  Ridiculous.

Tonight: Christmas shopping and potential date dinner.  Eeeeeeee dates!

Tomorrow: Clean clean clean and shop for apps and go see Hannah’s play again.

Sunday: Cook and clean more and set up and have family over to my new house and be delightful and probably drink some wine.

I love this season.

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Glad you had a good time at the play. 🙂

December 12, 2010

This season does rock 🙂