
I tried to buy a couch.  I really did.  It just seems like such a big commitment.  And every one I sat on I thought, can I sit on this every day for fifteen years?  The answer was always I DON’T KNOW THAT’S SO LONG!

I told myself I can buy a new couch in a year if I end up hating this one.  It’s not really that big a deal.  But I seem to be more sure of spending every day with Keith , a person who reasonably will change within the span of fifteen years, than a piece of furniture that won’t.

But what of the STYLE?  Couches suck.  I can appreciate them once they are in a room, covered in pillows and blankets, surrounded by lighting and pictures and tables and friends.  But I never think "Oh wow.  That, there, is one nice couch."  But they’re the base of the room.  They take up a whole lot of it.  WHAT IF I MAKE THE WRONG DECISION?!

So I went to 3 different stores last night.  I sat on a hundres different couches, sectionals, loveseats, and chairs.  No futons, though.  I’m a grown up, dammit.  And futons make me think of my college house and that bigass drunk black dude who peed all over our futon.  We threw that sucker out.

Three stores.  And by the third I was completely lost.  "Do you need help, miss?"  "I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!  I HAVE NOWHERE TO SIT AND I NEED A COUCH BUT WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?!??!"  Thank goodnes I was speaking to the GM of the store.  You know there’s a great salesman in there.  I probably would have bought a couch last night, too, if I could have found him after he left me to look around.  But no such luck.  Instead I called Keith and he tried to talk sense and reason into me. 

"No no no.  I hate every couch.  Couches are stupid.  Let’s sit on the ground forever."  "Kaitlin, that doesn’t make sense.  You’ll find a good couch."  "But WHY aren’t you HERE with me?!"  "I’m working right now."  "I know that, I’m not retarded."  "Then why did you ask?"  "I don’t know.  Shut up.  Stop making this more difficult than it has to be."  "ME?"  "No, that one was for me."  "Sigh"

Anyway, I left the store empty handed, with my wallet full.  The opposite of what was supposed to happen.  Well, I shouldn’t have had anything in my hands I don’t think.  I can’t carry a couch and it wouldn’t fit in my Yaris anyway.

So Keith is going to come with me on Sunday.  I think I just need him there to listen to me sort it out out loud, you know?  That or to make poor couch decisions so I can determine that I hate what he’s pointing to, thus getting me closer to defining what I love.

Sunday.  I’ll figure it out on Sunday.

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November 24, 2010

The key to the sofa problem is: neutral. Get something that everything goes with! Gooood luck!

November 24, 2010

a couch is a life decision! I did that with my bed! I spent two and a half friggin grand on the thing, but I justified it by saying if I’m gunna sleep on it for the next 10 to 15 years then I wanna get a decent one, so that’s exactly what I did after a few weeks of research and I love it! So keep looking until you see one that makes you go ‘AHHHH I NEED IT!’

November 24, 2010

Kaitlin, you might be sliiiightly retarded. LOLZJKJKJKJK!!!!!!

November 24, 2010

I assure your Yaris is a car but I can’t help but think it’s a pirate ship. Putting your new couch on a pirate ship is very amusing.

November 24, 2010

Hahahaha. I love this entry, and these notes.

November 26, 2010

Hahaha.. that’s awesome. Your train of thought reminds me of Allie from hyperbole and a half..

November 28, 2010

Get a couch that’s comfortable, regardless of how ugly it is. Otherwise you’ll just look at it while standing up, when you’re supposed to be sitting on it. A secondary test is how comfy it is to nap on, but I doubt the salesmen would’ve been cool with that. ;P

November 28, 2010

I hit the random button, and you popped up! Love your entry. Buying furniture is SO frustrating. I love going with someone who has HORRIBLE taste. Because it narrows the field quickly. Love your conversation with Keith too. Reminds me of me. And finally…I’m in love with the person who called your Yaris a Pirate Ship…made my night. Anyway…Hello!

Definitely get a couch that you can “get busy” on. That should be the #1 priority.