
I have been neglecting you.  I know it.  I’m sorry.

Fun fact: I spend the first hour of my day on this site, reading about your lives, every day.  I drink my tea, sometimes a pastry, and get up to date on your everyday.  I love this website.  I like to know about what someone made for dinner the night before, or what their kids wore on Halloween, or how someone’s husband is doing in Iraq.  It’s like watching the interesting parts of the 6 o’clock news, but being able to follow these lives.  Isn’t it marvelous that the internet exists and we can follow each others’ ups and downs across the world?

I’m having a bit of Friday euphoria.  Don’t mind me.  I just have so much love on this day of the week.

Boss lady is sick.  Well, not really sick.  She has lady problems and they’re really bad.  Something about getting old and it being inconvenient.  She’s going to the hospital today.  I worry about her.  The last two weeks her eyes have been puffy like she’s constantly in that state about ten minutes after being finished crying.  I don’t know what that’s about, but I want her to get better.  She may make me insane, but I work better when she’s around, and yesteryday when she stayed home was the longest day of my life.  I still can’t believe 5pm arrived.  Oh, that and she’s a good person. 

Tonight is going to be interesting.  Keith and I are going to my friend’s house for dinner.  Her boyfriend just moved into her condo.  So it’s to be the four of us, dining and enjoying each others’ company.  The thing about it is, unfortunately I have already made up my mind that I don’t like her boyfriend.  I don’t like how he’s not as good to her as he should be.  I don’t like his attitude, and I don’t like his sense of humour.  It often comes at her expense.  She’s a sensitive girl, and he thinks it funny to make fun of her.  Some people get that kind of humour.  I can certainly take a joke.  But I know there’s a line where too much poking fun turns into frustration and resentment.  I just hope that I’m very wrong about him entirely and their being together and moving in and being around each other more is good for them.  (Either that or this fast forwards their demise as a couple.)  Sigh.  I just want her to be happy.  She’s too awesome to deserve sad.

I discovered yesterday that the President and CEO of the company will be coming to Nova Scotia for our new store opening next weekend.  I’m going and I’ll be running all the fun activities we have.  His presence slightly unnerves me, but not as much as I think it should.  Why am I not afraid of people in positions of authority over me?  My boss showed her husband photos of a baby shower we had several months back and I’m in the photo, wearing bright red sneakers and sitting cross legged on a table.  He said "Wow, she seems………….. comfortable."  And I am.  But she told me that like it was a bad thing.  I don’t care.  Maybe I should, but I don’t.  It’s not like I’m rude or anything.  Just comfortable.  And it was Friday.  I can wear my red chucks on Fridays if I want.  So there.

What else.  Ummmm… I’m in love and it makes me happy.

Have the best day ever!

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My boss is out sick today too… we’ve decided to take a two hour lunch to celebrate.

November 5, 2010

🙂 It’s nice to know even if you’re not writing you’re lurking quietly… Double dinner date at friend’s condo? I’m Klintis, I’m a GROWN UP AND SHEYT. <3 Love you.