
Pretty good weekend.

I spent Friday night being lame and doing nothing.  I think.  I can’t really remember.  I was going to do laundry but aparently our washing machine is deciding to work or not work whenever it sees fit…

Saturday morning I had to go to a funeral.  Which was crappy and awful.  It was my cousin’s grandmother on her dad’s side.  It was so terrible watching her whole family cry and be so sad to lose a lady they loved.  She sounded like an amazing woman who lived a full and wonderful life and was ready to let it go and go meet up with her husband she lost 52 years ago.  She told my aunt she was ready to die.  She said "I really want to see Milton."  Sidenote:  How kickass is the name Milton?  Super kickass.

So I spent the rest of Saturday all bummed out about how life has to end and one day I’m going to be up there, crying and sad about losing someone I love.  And then I started to think about being widowed at 40 with 6 kids to care for.  And then I was thinking about missing the love of my life for 52 years… anyway, by dinnertime I was a mopey black cloud.  And I couldn’t get ahold of anyone to hang out in the afternoon and then THAT was bumming me out.  And it was just so quiet in the house, you know? 

Luckily I heard back from a good friend and we went out for dinner, which was lovely, and then we went to meet my other friend who was in town at a bar.  I stayed there for a while and then left around 1am to go to Keith’s, cause he was off work.  On the way out  stopped at my favourite chip stand for a Pogo.  Yeah, I will wait in line by myself surrounded by drunk idiots on a Saturday night for a deep fried hot dog on a stick.  What of it?

While in line I ran into one of Keith’s friends from high school, Meaghan.  Or Megan?  Whatever.  You say it the same.  So she was a little tipsy and happy and insisted I must stay and eat with her and her friend.  So I did.  And she spent the entire time telling me how amazing I am and how glad she is that Keith found me and how she can’t wait for our wedding cause it’s going to be SO FUN and on and on and on.  Bless her heart.  I left feeling like a squillion dollars and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face.

I got to Keith’s house and just wanted to kiss his whole face and hug him forever, but he was watching Shutter Island and had this look of confusion and discomfort on his face until the movie ended.  Rightfully so.  That movie was fucked.  We watched the end of it and gratefully it didn’t ruin how much I liked him at that moment and I got to kiss his whole face and hug him forever.  Good times.

We slept in pretty late for us on Sunday and I went home and then we went to the invasion for the Challenge weekend.  Little Hannah did her weekend.  I believe she will immediately take over the whole movement and be super fun and what not and be on every team.  Seems about right.  She wanted to be the first one up to talk after mass (WHAT?!) but this dude beat her to it.  She spoke well, though, and she’s so sweet and lovely.  I’m glad she’s home though.  I missed her little face this weekend.

Well I’m rambling now because I have a zillion things to do and I don’t want to do even one of them.  But I best get started.

Love to you all.

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I’m sorry but did you say deep fried hot dog on a stick?!? That sounds amazing!

October 25, 2010

HANNAH. She is the cutest.

Yeah, Milton is a super kick-ass name. Totally. And Shutter Island with kissy faces after sounds like an amazing end to the night. 🙂 ryn: Why does it have to be so hard?? *Sob* Lol Thank you 🙂

November 4, 2010

Hello. Update of the open diary variety, please.