
So, labour day come and gone.  Another summer drifted away.  Sans picnic.

That’s right.  No picnic.  It was the weather, but I’m still very very disappointed.  And now that the weather is getting colder, I doubt it will ever happen.

It’s raining.  The weather makes me pessimistic.

So!  Last night I decided enough is enough and I must become not fat again.  Got on the scale last week and the 15 lbs I wanted to lose had turned into 20 lbs.  20!  Can you believe that!

Now, please understand, I know I’m not fat.  I’m just out of shape, and if I don’t do something soon, I will become fat.  Therefore I must lose the extra pounds and get myself back to tip top hotness shape.  (On the plus side, my boobs are way cooler since I gained the weight, but I’m willing to part with that to get my flat stomach back.)

So since it was raining, I started up the Wii and played some dance game.  It was friggin exhausting.  Cardio, friends.  Sigh.  Tonight I get on the treadmill and deal with how it feels to have my body be jiggling around.  Gross!  Enough of this talk!

We celebrated my grandmother’s 80th birthday on Saturday evening.  My love came with me, and we had a wonderful time.  Honest to God it sounded entirely too much like a funeral to me, but what are you gonna do? 

She’s the world’s most wonderful woman.  She’s so lovely.  I want to be just as important to my family as she is to us when I’m old.

My grandfather spoke.  He’s a hilarious man.  I’m not sure he knows it, though.  He spoke of meeting Mary and courting her and all the happy years that followed.  He spoke of her character and how she smiles every day, despite having to live with him.  He spoke of how much he loves her.

My dad sufficiently awkwarded it up by MCing and bringing up God in every single sentence.  He’s gotten very religious in the last year.  I wonder if it’s something I did.

Oh fuck!  I have to fax that signed mortgage agreement off.  The end is near, I can feel it.  I dreamed of decorating my condo last night.

I need to find a roommate.  Merde.

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September 7, 2010

“Got on the scale last week and the 15 lbs I wanted to lose had turned into 20 lbs. 20! Can you believe that!” I’ve lost 14 lbs too! And I loooove eating. Scientists are now showing that brief but extremely intense exercise is actually better for losing weight as opposed to moderate exercise in length. — Molloy

September 16, 2010

HAHAHA I never saw this entry when you first wrote it. I was wondering what happened with the picnic thing. Next year! “I wonder if it’s something I did.” <– Made me laugh. Funeral music? Who did this. I wonder what it’s like to be in tip top hotness shape.