
For the last two years I have found myself in several different jobs.  I have this issue where I can’t sit still.  It alternates between my career and my personal life.  When I’m set on a man, I change jobs.  When I’m set on a job, I change men.

That wasn’t entirely true.  But I haven’t had caffeine yet today.  Forgiveness!

The bank decided that given the terrible availability of jobs that actually interest me for a long period of time, I am not eligible to borrow their money.  Fuckers.  Because I haven’t been in my job for 2 years, I’m "unreliable".  I knew my inability to sit still would catch up with me one day.

So we’re looking for alternate routes to a mortgage.  Should be infuriatingly time consuming and unbelievably boring.  SOMEONE GIVE ME MONEY SO I CAN LIVE IN A CONDO AND GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER!!!

I love my mother.  You shut up.

So that basically made up my mind to stick to my guns and this job.  I’m actually getting comfortable here.  Besides the fact that I sit across from a bright yellow wall that assaults my eyes all day and the only window is one skylight about twenty feet that way, It’s pretty comfortable.

Tried to relax and take a bath last night.  My whole body has been sore since I slept in my horrible torture chamber called my bed all week.  I’ve slept terribly and I’m tired and grumpy all day cause my bed is wildly uncomfortable.  I need a new mattress, but that means I need a thousand dollars.  Kills me!  Kill me!

Nellie told me last night she can’t afford to move out.  She cut me off with that as I was about to offer some meager attempt at an excuse to mask that I don’t want her to move in.  Lady knows.  So we went about having a perfectly lovely dinner.  We’re content to enjoy evenings out and call it best friendship.  So that’s comforting.  On the minus side, I’m now down to one potential roomie instead of the 3 I had previously.  Gotta bother him today to move to town and give me his money.

The president of the company just walked by me.  "Morning".  Yeesh.  I wish I had a door so noone could sneak up on me while I’m writing no work related words and offer pleasantries.  On the other hand I think he got new glasses.  So that’s nice.

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August 26, 2010

aww – sorry you’re not sleeping well, a bad mattress is so soul destroying. I am not sure what type of bed you have but I’ve got a cheapo mattress from Ikea and it lays right on the bedslats and is pretty comfy? It was only around $100 or something…love IKEA.

August 26, 2010

You’recrazy. Iloveyou.

August 26, 2010

My heart breaks to hear of the mortgage rejection! I’m sure you’ll figure it out one way or another; you’re all resourceful n shiat. Who’s this potential dude roommate? Also, I’m currently talking to Hannah!

August 29, 2010

bahaha, you’re one crazy woman! In a good way, I swear. Sorry about the non bank loan, but maybe a steady job will turn out to be a good thing?! Ha, that happens to me aswell – everyone in my team walks past my desk everyday and since my back is to them, they can see my comp. It’s resulted in me trying to be a sneaky ninja to do anything that’s not ‘work related’.

August 29, 2010

I’d like a mortgage in a way, but I don’t either cos I hate the idea of that much interest over the years, and I’m in a casual job so there’s no way in living hell the banks would fork over any dough anyway lol – oh well!