
So, hello my desk.  I might have missed you a little.  Shut up.

Spent 5 days feeling sorry for myself/high on pain meds/trying not to kill myself or anyone around me for cabin fever/thinking about life in general and how mine compares with my expectations of myself.  It was a long 5 days.

BUT my face is normal sized now (I got my wisdom teeth out, for those of you who are not in the proverbial know) and everything’s pretty well back to normal, save for the fact that I have a big yellow bruise on the left side of my face where a bigass tooth should be laying dormant, plotting its evil plan to ruin my orthodontic work.  Foiled!  Take that, third molar!  The rest of them were delighted to go and have left next to no pain or problems behind them in their wake.

I have lost the 5 pounds I intended to on this no solids diet that was forced upon me.  Feels great.  Except all I want is a burger, goddamit.  My mouth still won’t open far enough for me to bite a sandwich, so it looks like the soft foods continue.  Bought myself some apple sauce this morning.  Wow, big breakfast, Kaitlin.

My hair smells like Keith’s room.

Had a lovely long talk about futures and housing and children and blah blah blah yesterday.  These conversations make my stomach turn in the best way and my toes tingle and my legs refuse to stay still.  But bless him, he understands me.  He gets that it’s just the way life is for me and that we can’t just do whatever we want to because we have respect for those who don’t approve.  And I get that when I talk about buying a house it makes him excited but sad at the same time, knowing he won’t be the big part of it that he wants to be.  But this is life, my friends.  And in the grand scheme of things, another few years isn’t forever, and we can learn to be patient, because it matters too much.

This will all be moot when I win Lotto Max this Friday. 

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June 24, 2010

“And in the grand scheme of things, another few years isn’t forever” bless your heart, that’s wonderful. I wonder why other people can’t see it that way. Miss you, glad you are getting back to normal! xoxo