Distress and much vexation

There is a challange 2 the gospel.. but some people don’t see it.. or feel it.. or believe it..

Mat 10:34 – 39 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

I just don’t know how some people deal with this scripture?  Wot context do I mean?  Well I’m glad U asked.. I’m refering to theologically and spiritually.. We shy away from the work judgement and in this age where we say ‘we can do wot we like because it’s right in our own eyes’ and anyone can do what they want as it’s right in their eyes.. and in reality we’re deaf and blind 2 the terrible truth that we’re decieving oursleves..  The bible warns against false teachers, false prophets, etc; we write that off as vodoo doctors in africa or maybe the pope in the vatican.. we tuck ourselves into bed thinking all is right with the world.. but we’re wrong..

Read Mathew 23..

Mat 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

We strain at the gnat of the catholic church and fail to see the heresy in our own spiritual world.. I’m not pointing the finger at any one preacher persey.. but lets be honest.. we hear stuff on TV and magazines and other places from some ‘men/women of god’ and does their lives reflect that of our heavenly master? Do they have the same spirit that raised the Christ from the dead? 

I don’t think so.. I read the new testament and see a clear picture of the church.. and a clear picture of a man/woman of God.. but it doesn’t bear any resemblence 2 the one I see in Acts or Romans, or Corinthians, or John’s epistles, or anywhere.. I see the warnings against what we have but I don’t see much of the evidence that we live in the shadow of Paul’s and Peter’s and Barnabus..

Maybe its time for the Church of the Risen Christ to stand up and say enough is enough.. Jannes and Jambres seems to be everywhere..(2 Tim 3:8) they can do the same miracles as the men of God but its a different spirit behind them.. (Ex 7:1)  What a stark warning..

Now some may ask.. Does it really matter?  Surely God will sort out the hay, wood and stubble..  well let me ask U two questions..  Do U believe that the teachings of the catholic church is correct and do U believe there is any other way 2 heaven?  If U follow someone else or try to walk up another path it will not lead U to the same place..  In this day and age we hear alot about ‘gateway drugs’ and how one thing leads to another.. could the same thing not be true for false teachers?

There are a number of them who support the notion that Jesus suffered in hell as a sinner and that in hell He was ‘reborn.’  This is in total opposition to the message of the bible.. it takes the focus off the cross and calvary and puts it in hell.. now u tell me where should a blood bought believer be looking? To the cross or to hell?  Thats just one of their heresies..

Yours in Him


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um, I don’t believe in the Catholic teachings. I don’t think that any sin is unforgivable. thus I don’t believe in Hell…persey. My reasoning is this…If, as Christians say, Jesus Christ died for our sins, any sin, then how can any sin be mortal? If we are forgiven for all sin by the hanging death of Jesus Christ, how can hell be an option? Just my thought. I was baptized Catholic, and practiced until i was maybe 11 or 12. And then I lost all faith. Because of this loss, the Catholics aay hell is my option after I die. But Christianity, the faith I consider myself, says that God is all forgiving and will not punish me. For now I am walking the path of the rightgeous and I am truly his ambassador. Good Luck with your question and God Bless (random noter)