As the day is long..

Sometimes things just seem to run away and ahead of me.. i think it’s not a unique problem.. but sometimes I just feel like i’ve been caught on the back foot.  Its like fighting an enemy who suddenly brings up reinforcments to overwhelm your left flank.. totally unexpected..

But there is but one thing to do..

Regroup and counter attack. 🙂

Over the last few weeks I really have felt like i’ve been caught out.. caught on the hopp so to speak… It isn’t something that you expect to happen.. but one day someone comes into your life and everything changes.. One day you discover the great love of your life.. it’s shocking really but wonderful at the same time..

Well I’ve never thought about marriage beyond the whole..’sure i’d like to get married one day..’ well.. i’m going 2 have 2 seriously try 2 work out where i can get the money 2 get married.. and the honest truth is .. I can’t afford it.. However..

The truth is that although i might be caught unprepared.. my Lord is never.. My Heavenly Father has seen the end from the begining and has already got a plan.. u know that problems are only problems for those who don’t have all the answers.. well God has all the answers.. God lives in eternity.. outside of time as we understand it.. so he sees tomorrow and yesterday and knows wot we are going through..

All we have 2 do is reach out in faith and trust His guidance and leading.. 🙂 

I say ALL as if it was a simple thing.. well the truth is that it is a simple thing.. its difficult 2 get to that place where we lean not on our own understanding and TRUST wholly in His.. understanding and ability..

Trust Him.. a lesson I’m learning again and again.. 🙂


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