Holiness of God..

The next attribute is God’s holiness. Exod xv ii. ‘Glorious in holiness.’ Holiness is the most sparkling jewel of his crown; it is the name by which God is known. Psa cxi 9. ‘Holy and reverend is his name.’ He is ‘the holy One.’ Job vi 10. Seraphims cry, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory.’ Isa vi 3. His power makes him mighty, his holiness makes him glorious. God’s holiness consists in his perfect love of righteousness, and abhorrence of evil, and cannot look on iniquity.’ Hab I 13.

Truly He is glorious.. wonderious… Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God almighty!! Holy Lord! Holy God! Holy and anointed is His Son!

Holyness is a bit of a mystery 2 us sinners.. wot does it really mean?? I think it’s best to think of it as purety.. Totally and completely pure, absence of evil, lies, manipulation, etc; He is all together Holy! As such He cannot commune with Sinful man.. He cannot approach.. or should I say until the Atonement was made.. Now the statute of ordinances which were written against us in BOLD lettering.. well it’s been covered.. it’s been nailed to a famous tree some two thousand years ago.. now we come before Him holy… robed in the Righteousness of Christ..

But still we lay our crowns down and say.. Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty!!




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August 8, 2005

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your diary. Its not offten that you will find a dairy wish such good tidings. Thankyou for putting such a thing up for all to see.

August 9, 2005

hello, i just found your diary by accident actually. but i don’t really believe in accident, so maybe i was meant to read this. your faith is amazing. inspirational really.