I woke myself up out of a good sleep because of a coughing fit. I hate having a cold. I have funny thoughts running through my head because I suppose I’ve had a bit too much Nyquil. Well, that mixed with the rum, honey and lemon I had earlier may have something to do with it as well. I’m just tired of coughing. I want to have a decent sleep. Of course for whatever reason, the more I cough the hotter I get and the hotter I get the more I cough. I even have a fan blowing on me. I’m up though… and after more Nyquil I’m not coughing as much or as hard. I just know though that once I try to lay back down, it’s gonna start all up again. I have a humidifier going so there is moisture in the air.
I jUsT wAnT sOmE sLeEp!!!!